kendra profile picture


haaaaayy..hay hay hay

About Me

i'm an "adult" now, which is scary. i'm from the fatherland. i'll only buy free range grain fed chicken eggs and i think everyone should do the same. i think dehydrated fruits are one of life's little joys, im generally nice and funny. well no, thats not really true- im generally funny, sometimes nice. i love rome. i love talkin shit. i love the sopranos. at one point i had 9 piercings, but now i only have 4. maybe that means im growing up a little. i have 2 tattoos and want another one, even though i swore to my mother i was done. i love arno breker's sculpture "you and i", i dont really like meeting new people, but i like having new friends. i love going out, but i also love staying in. i love heidelberg, germany and i think its the greatest place ever. i hate public speaking. i think new york city is amazing. i love,, and other assorted celebrity gossip. i hate crying, but have been doing quite a bit of it lately, much to my dismay. club tropicana, caipirinha, and slow screw up against the wall are my favorite cocktails. kilkenny is my favorite beer. SPARKS is the shit. i love art..studying it, not making it. i love travelling and i want to go everywhere. i miss lex and summer '06 more than i even knew i could or would. and actually, i hate people that write shit like this is their "about me" sections...

My Interests

heidelberg, travelling, europa, trying to get my life in order while still ignoring the fact that my life is out of order, my cv suts. i love the first couple weeks of spring, before its really spring yet, but when its just starting.

I'd like to meet:

probably not you....unless i already know you or of you, then its chill.


a million little pieces, the kite runner, angels in america, virgin suicides, secret life of bees, gone with the wind, the giver, the lovely bones, voice of the people, the chronicles of narnia, the fountainhead, mists of avalon, harry potter, lord of the flies


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