Hmmm...56 years in a 7" x 12" rectangle. I've had a MySpace page for about a year, am not sure I have time for it...I can't even seem to find time to keep up with Catster. But I seem to need this, sharing and connecting with people outside of work and "the Cat Fancy". I lost my soulmate, Mike, on February 22, 2007. I have lost my "assumptive future", not that the future will be bad, it will just not be what I thought it was going to be. He adored me, he shared my goals and he made a formerly happy single woman into a very happy married woman. Mike passed physically, but spiritually, he will be with me always. I have been a veterinary technician since I was in my 20's and am working at my first all cat practice and love it. I once lived with an outdoor instructor and have rock climbed, snow camped and hunted mushrooms. I haven't sold my skis, but have to tell you that they haven't seen the light of day in about 10 years...I show and raise Cornish Rex cats and have added 2 Sphynx cats to the mix and they are very compatible. I have lived in California, Oregon, Alabama and currently Virginia. I have traveled to Portugal once and England many times. I love exotic foods as well as All-American fare. I don't seem to fit in having time to read, but love being read to. I love sleeping in with the cats. I am sad, I am happy, I am lucky, I am unlucky. I had a wonderful life before I met Mike; I had an enviable life with him; I hope to have a happy future now and know that friends will help me realize that goal. WarmFelines and Bunts from the cats, too