†..†Cellar Door™ profile picture

†..†Cellar Door™

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Im Cameron.
Need anything?
Thank you.
And you can add me to MSN if you want
[email protected].

i have deviantart profile
that i want people to start to look at
this is where my art will be displayed
Hosted by Daily Free Games

My Interests

Music, art, drinkin, smoking weed and ciggs.
Movies, kung fu movies, horror and comedy.
More appropriatly, being lazy and having fun to put it in simpler terms.

I'd like to meet:

A person or persons alot like myself.
Someone who inspires me to the point of godlyness.
A female companion to talk to. GEEZ ~A~COMMENT~AYE?


Every style u can imagine.
Right now, im in a phase of Speedcore.
If you dont know what it is, look it up an listen to some.
Mostly metal and rock... but anything can quench the thirst of a certain mood.


Any horror movie.. no matter what.
Any comedy.. no matter what.
But mostly i have endured the film Fight Club the most.
I have watched it more times that i remember, know it word for word and am that little bit obsessed with it.


Tv sucks
i will watch anything apart from daytime chat-shows
or Jeremy Kyle (he should be shot).


Any Stephen King, Clive Barker.
And yes, I have got Fight Club and yes its brilliant.


too many people to name

My Blog

this is..

this is hell im bored as hell and im missing toria like missing her like madhavent seen her since monday an i know its sadan patheticbutwhateveri jus wanna do somethin with myselfive been asked if id...
Posted by .. Cellar Door" on Sat, 13 Oct 2007 04:49:00 PST


tbh i couldnt be arsed with my old profile, it was slow, had too much shit in it an was jus borin tbh.i like my new hat on a gd note.makes me feel happy, hence why ive named it the happy hat. although...
Posted by .. Cellar Door" on Sat, 28 Jul 2007 01:19:00 PST

poem i thought up

vast in your eyes the devil hides behind your demise i am not involved with you i am at the end of the line with you this is out of proportion this is utter distortion   shadowed by the valley of...
Posted by .. Cellar Door" on Wed, 27 Jun 2007 03:44:00 PST

question thing

1: Who are you?   2: How long have we known each other?   3: Have we met in person? 4: How well do you actually know me?   5: Do you have a crush on me?   6: Would you like to...
Posted by .. Cellar Door" on Thu, 21 Jun 2007 10:46:00 PST

things to fill out ppl!.. get on it!

1. Who are you? 2. Are we friends? 3. When and how did we meet? 4. Do you have a crush on me? 5. Would you kiss me? 6. Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it. 7. Describe me in one word. 8. ...
Posted by .. Cellar Door" on Tue, 08 Nov 2005 11:22:00 PST