We as the Social Justice Network, have been recognized and empowered by Churches of Christ in Victoria & Tasmania to be the point of contact for our Churches as they seek to respond to social justice issues.
We are a 'virtual' committee of volunteers who are committed to working within the realization of God's kingdom on earth and God's passion of justice and love. We co-exist in Victoria and Tasmania (Australia) and work towards justice via an email/website network. Those who are passionate about certain issues form subgroups who work on these issues. An executive committee meets bi-monthly to discuss issues, gather information and report back to the churches - via email and the blog site. We are accountable to the Chief Executive Officer of the Churches of Christ in Victoria and Tasmania, and represent Churches of Christ on the Victorian Council of Churches Social Questions Committee.
The Social Justice Network of the Churches of Christ in Victoria and Tasmania also facilitate a website which explains more about who we are, and also a Blog spot that contains frequent updates on issues of social justice and a details links list to other websites and online resources.
We take our biblical mandate for this concern to be Micah 6:8 "He has shown you oh mortal, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you? but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God"
I edited my profile at ChristianMySpaceCodes.com
Christian Myspace