I have many people I love and will protect. DONT MESS WITH THEM OR ME!FAMOUS FRIEND QUOTES:Amanda: "What do you mean you DON'T like the Jonas Brothers?!?!?!?"Brandon: "Ugh, I feel like I just gave labor.... TOUCH MY STOMACH the baby kicks!"Jazzy: "Rock the bed boom, boom, rock the bed bang, bang, rock the bed.... FUCK"Noelle: "This is a sort of odd place.... do you live here???"Suze: "Rawrrr"Nasir: "I'm RICK JAMES BITCH....... (I heard that)....Oh....... (Don't worry I said the same thing)... hahahahahahhaNico: "Remember that one time when I shat my pants????"Chloe: "I WANNA BE A VAMPIRE! I WANNA HAVE AN EDWAARD CULLEN AND BE A VAMPIRE!!!!!"EmmaLee: "MOM COOKIES!!!!!!!"Kara:"megan, I have just realized that we have become quite a bit lacsidazical on our G.W.A.D schedule!!!!!!! And now I can't prepare anymore because she already popped that sucker out!!!!!"If you want a quote on here.... tell me.I LOVE EVERYONE WHO I QUOTED HERE. I DIDNT QUOTE EVERYONE CAUSE I COULDN'T THINK OF SOME FOR PEOPLE BUT I LOVE YOU GUYS SO....... MUCH AND THANKS FOR BEING THERE FOR ME JUST AS I AM FOR YOU!