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Mia :)

About Me

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My name is Mia, and I HAVE FAITH that God can make amazing things happen. =]
I have a gazillion adings and I love them all veryyyy much. Let's get to know each other better.. There's really nothing about me you can't trust. <3
SUMMER PLANS! [Let's fill it up like last time!]
05.22.09 GIRLS' DAY OUT with Abigail & Mayra! Yeaaa!
05.23.09 UCB PilGrad - I'm gonna miss my seniors! <3
05.24.09 Visit to the UC Berkeley Art Museum & Pacific Film Archive <3 THEN Dessert @ Berkeley's historic Caffe Mediterraneum [holla!]
05.25.09 - 05.29.09 Praising God @ Chapter Camp :)
05.30.09 Dressing up for Ate Sun's Wedding in San Jose
05.31.09 Bonding with the FamBam
06.01.09 Final Prep for the Cal Pil Archive Project & Volunteer Check-In
06.02.09 Final Day @ Telegraph Commons/First Night of 12-Day Sleepover
06.03.09 Organize the media for CA Dream Network Call to Action (JHIR) @ San Francisco
06.04.09 - 06.12.09 CAL PIL ARCHIVE PROJECT! <3 My babyyyy. :)
06.13.09 PASS Retention Retreat @ San Francisco
06.14.09 Kuya David's getting marrieddddd!
06.15.09 Socal Sweet Socal
06.18.09 Happy Graduation, Nuri! 6:00 PM - 8:30 PM
06.19.09 Finish last-minute stuff for the day ahead
06.20.09 "First Night Away from Old Home"
06.21.09 - 06.22.09 FATHER'S DAY! Adings & I need to have a reunion this weekend.
06.23.09 FREE
06.24.09 FREE
06.25.09 FREE
06.26.09 FREE
06.27.09 FREE
06.28.09 FREE
06.29.09 FREE
06.30.09 Happy Birthday JULIA! <33
07.04.09 Another July 4 Family BBQ?
07.17.09 - 07.19.09 Pilipino Academic Student Services (PASS) Retreat
07.24.09 - 07.26.09 WEEKEND FAMILY VACATION <3
08.15.09 Cousins from Canada are droppin' byyy
08.22.09 Goodbye again, my Socal loves! <33
08.23.09 Exactly one year since..
I may have finally found the ultimate soundtrack of my life..
I'm seriously here for you guys through thick and thin. No matter what, you're all always on my mind, in my heart, and in my prayers. =]
May we always look to God for guidance, in praise, and in blessing. <3
Comment away, hun.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

God, the original Power Rangers, and a handful of amazing people please. ;]


Luisa ;]: What can I say about Mia? She's the best person to have at your side when you're sitting there in chorus class and being extremely bored. Mia is the best person to be with when you know that you're feeling sad or depressed. Mia is the best person to go and talk to when you have that one problem that troubles you day and night and ruins your life. Mia is the one who's going to help you get back to where you are supposed to be. Mia is one of my best and greatest friends and she is also the one of those people that have a kind heart and a nice personality. I cherish Mia so much and if you ever meet her, you will be more than happy to have such an amazing friend. We love you, Mia!!! P.S. And one more thing...she definately knows ALL about colleges and universities. :)

Griselle: Hey! Well, you probably don't know me though I've heard quite a few things about you. First of all, I have to say that I've read many of your blogs and a lot of them do contain inspirational thoughts (well-articulated too, I should say). Somehow, they’ve also increased my vocabulary! I have to give you tons of props for that. I’ve been wanting to leave you a message for quite some time now though I’ve been hesitant considering you don’t exactly know who I am. Hopefully I’m not freaking you out because even though I’m at your friendster, your myspace, and xanga, I really am not a stalker. I guess I just had a feeling that I had to get to know you since I’ve been associated with you during some occasions (academically, that is). To tell you the truth, you might actually be one of the reasons why I strive harder to be a better student. Just that fact that some people compare me to you…. I have to say - you have very great intellect, far more than I do, and that makes me feel bad because I know that there is no comparison between us. Actually, you have, not only intelligence, but also a good heart. Your blogs have proven that and I really think you should continue on inspiring others and make us think more about the world around us. You have a lot going on for you and you should be really proud of yourself. Well, sorry about the length. I just got carried away. Pardon my grammatical errors too. I know they’re in my comment somewhere. Sincerely, gRiSeLLe :)

SPECIAL SHOUTOUT FROM NURi! Hey ppl if ur looking at mia's myspace i alrdy kno ur pretty cool ;p, although not as cool as mia! she is one of the people i love the most and i thank god i met her cuz she is just so awesome! ill never forget the times we spent in journalism adding sophisticated analysis on the word loquacious :] i especially miss randomly bumping in her in the hallways screaming "MIA!!" then hugging her xD hehe oh yeah what was i talking bout again? so anyway, shes the bestest friend (in the words of tommy from rugrats) u can ever have!

Ed: Whaz up Mia! Congratulations on all of your awards. My parents got pissed off at me for getting just one award, but I am sure you didn't have that problem. I wish you the best of luck, but I am pretty sure you are not going to need it. Peace out.

Rozy: Dear Mia, I have had and spent most of 8th grade with you and I think that you are a good person. You have brought a smile to my face when there was a frown and you have encouraged me to try harder even though you may not know it. Maybe someday our paths will cross and when they do I hope that we are even better friends!

Janelle: Dear Mia, I hope you won't forget me! You have been such a good friend to me! I'm so proud of you when you got salutatorian! You should've gotten valedictorian! Keep up the good work, smarty pants!

Karyl: Dear Mia, wussup! Ur such a great friend, a tru 1, 2! Uv always bin der 4 me and 4 every1..Thanx..Neways do great in life.. which i'm sure u r... ur a great singer..hehe.. hope to face u someday in american idol. lol

Tommy: Mia, ms. goody two shoes. No we discussed that. You're a handful! Dumb as all of us! Remember sleep is best in History!

Aaron: 2 Mia, You've been a really cool friend this year. Thanx for all the advice you've given me, and for fixing up my sites. Never change. Remember, mellow out, marshmellow. lol Later.

Hakopyan twins: Hi Mia! We're going to miss you (sob) Don't forget to keep in touch! Ps. farewell.. parting is such sweet sorrow.

Kasozi: Hello Mia, You know I know you are going to be great even if you don't become the doctor I wish you to be. Good luck and love always.. You are the best!

PBJ: I wish you loads of happiness.

Wazabi: Yo Mia! You are my very best friend and I hope you change for the better. If you get a boyfriend, I hope he's good to you!

Patrick: Mia... you always amaze me in the littlest ways... mia mia... you were my first friend at reseda.. i remember when you first IM'd me... lol... i was all who the fuck is this?... this person must be crazy.. IMing random people from a xanga blobring... but what the hell i respnded back... from then on we just talked about the most randomest shit ever... making up stories about sinks, a middle aged man, a cake, american idol, and celebrites... huh... that always lightened up my summer... then finally when school started i was so depressed cause i wanted so bad to go to el co instead of reseda... hehe you changed that and made reseda so much fun.. this sounds so pathetic.. stay cool mia...

Alisa: hey mia we don't dance on da tennis court, we break it down for them lol damn rite we pimp our bus lol we hav 2 stay away frum ugly guys they mak us look bad lol we just don't look 4 cute one we look for HOT SEXII ones lol of course we tell secerets who else shuld i tell besides patrick ;) u shuld alwas no i got ur bak 2 gurl damn espically wit ugly guys i will save u lik u saved me lol MIA my super HERO wat she does:save alisa frum FUGGLY GUYS!!! nd finds hot sexxii ones hehe (lik da one in our class) =P alisa 2 da rescue "i wil save u frum _____! bitch bak off frum mia is mine not urs, she willl NEVER b URS" hehe =P lol ^^ p.s. thanx for saving me frum marlen =P i will save u when ur in that kinda of situation lik that x0x0~alisa~

Chito: you think so much... relax keep cool and just keep grabbin em asses man... i mean giiiirrrll... yep. remember my wise teachings... you will be guided by them through your whole life.

Jocelyn: there's mia, my first AND BEST friend from reseda. she's super uber positive that she makes you think of how you could make your life better, cause that what she did for me, she made me realize the positive stuff and all that cornyness. yeahh we kick it at the same place too! mia and i have the same sleeping patters, and or super cool friendship can't be explained but you know you know. oh yeah! tomorrow when i go to the beach ill get you a bottle of sand. hahah (: i loove you mia. mia your cool!


Camille: freakin heart u woman! u've been there for me like no other. n even tho i dont tell u EVERYTHiNG..once u find out [lol] yer soo helpful n caring. yer one of the smartest pple i kno. n not just book smart but just smart about life itself. n its great to just talk to u. speshally about looove. =] lol i kno at first we were all shy [hehe] but now we..ve grown to have such a great friendship n i love it. yer one of those pple that i can ALWAYS rely on! ALWAYS!! n i dont have a lot of those pple in my life so feel SPECiAL! lol yer more than a fren to me. n i cant ever forget last summer wen we really got tight. n thats wen we made da lishuz ladieez haha! but now we..re older so we..ve turned into the OPL. oh yess. lol mia..i la la looove u! i always have such a great time wit u. no matter where we're at! n yer sucha DORK! i love it. wen are we guna form our band? LOL we WiLL be famous!

Sophie: MIA.? well, i don't really know a lot about her because we never really talk whenever we see each other. but lately, i have finally found the courage to talk to her on AIM and it was GREAT..! she's fun to talk with.. definitely outgoing.! a real sweetheart. i'm currently looking forward to hang-out with this girl 'coz the 30 minutes i spent talking to her in AIM really made me feel so.. i dunno.. good.! *i was feeling a lot of mixed emotions that time* (haha.! lol.!) but i know i'm gonna have fun with her next time i see her. well mia.. i'll talk to you some more in AIM ok.? adios

Tsukzz: elow mia! all i can say 2 mia is.... she's so pretty and i think she's a silent type of person. many people like her very much because of her outside beauty and also in the inside.... so??????... add her now!!!!! its ur lost f u wouldn't.... hehehe.:).(:

Lex: Mia... Danggg! Shez a really sweetheart in and out! And I also know zat shez a cutie too! We ain't close yet but I'll make it a point that we do in the days to come. I do admire this fine young woman for her attitude. She's so sweet, nice, pretty and so easy to fall in love with... I'm definitely sure that many guys (playahz, homies, pervz etc.) are outdoing themselves just to win her heart. (I know she's more than meets the eye.) honest to goodness, I never get tired of staring at her face. I hope we get the opportunity to spend time with each other in the near future. Just keep on keeping on gurl! Don't you dare change 'coz i like you zat way! Luvlotz! See yah 'round!

Jed: neway,i dont know mia dt much buh ds is wut i know..where do i start?! wel,mia,at first,is ds really shy& reserved gal buh when u guys get along,she cud really be wild..ya knoe,wen it cums down 2 it,shes so fun 2 be wid&she's the type that you cud talk to with just about nethin. she sings well too! ooh you'll luv her voice..her style,demn,it's "distinct"..juz dunno if u cud call it that buh it's really unique--kinda lyk,sets her apart from singers all 'round..!she's very nyc..a friend every1 wud wnt 2 hav..hey,d looks,personality,d attitude,d brain-full package!=P

Kamille: mia!oh my!!my long lost friend!!haha;p mia is a rly talentd gurl!she sings,dances,plays d piano.nd she loves d 1 i love,JESUS CHRIST!mia is a true friend dat can b rly trusted!!mia, mis u na!!i heard ur doin gr8 der!take care okidoki?kip ur heart focused on our true love,JESUS CHRIST!luv ya mia!! mwah!!;p

Tasha: Mia...Mia...Mia...my kababata. All i can say about her is that she is so kind, so generous and so friendly. GooD thINg friendster has user search that i found you using that.weLl...shE sTudiEs a lot and she also loves To sinG aNd dancE at thE saMe time...wEll..we all Know that Mia is so quiet when we firstsaw her but no she isn't she's talkative when you meet her.... anYwayZ takE cAre!! aND hoPE TO sEE YOu ALL...(",)

Camille (again): mia is a really caring person n she is juss soo UNIQUE! lol me n her are like total opposites in a way but yet we..re juss the BEST of frenz. mia is really into finding love cusz she juss has soo much to offer..ne one who ends up wit this chick is guna be so damn lucky!! cusz for one mia is a GENIUS! one of the smartest pple i know but not in a nerdy sorta way. lol cusz mia DEFINITELY knows how to have fun! we are such dorkz together n i LOVE it! lol its too bad i only see her like 2 er 3 timez a week but wen i do its PARTY TIME! haha me n her are juss non stop laughing..crackin up about the dumbest things..those are juss the best timez! lol like in BOBA LOCA! wow soo friggen funny!!! lol we have a buncha good timez in that place even tho we been there like what 2 er 3 timez?? lol cusz yano me n mia are BOBA SISTAZ! fasho fasho. lol but other than mia..s fun outgoing side..she is juss sucha TRUE fren. she cares soo much about her frenz n u juss gotta love her for that. i know that if i need her she..ll ALWAYS be there n same for u mia! we gotta stick together! lol I LOVE MY MEEEEEEEEYAHHHHH SOO FRIGGEN MUCH! n ya gotta know her cusz she'll juss bring soo much joy into ur life. well I LOVE YOU MIA BIA! lmao mwahhhh

Ian: I met Mia through my accident proneness and she was caring enough to hang with me and help me feel better which was pretty kool and yea i really dig her hehe "dig".It was at a barBQ PaRtAy and when i got hurt she was there to help me back up so to say.Meaning she is one dependable chick.Loving too because she is willing to help you and talk you through the toughest times and yet she wont accept help because she wants to protect the ones she loves and the ones that love her the most.Guys this is one hell of a chick(excuse the language)but her soul mate will be soo damn happy when "he" comes to join this chick because to her we mean everything but to me she means more... so yea I GOT YOUR BACK MIA!!!! hehe well this is one Best Friend that I'll always try to help and protect and will be very very glad to go through life with. This chick is great and she has one heckk of a guy for her to love and be loved back just like "pure bliss".But i know God will lead her heart.

Ruthie: mia...who are you?(joke)mia...is one of the nicest person in the whole wide world...she is very nice...we both sing back-ups in church but not anymore cause we play instruments now...you can really talk to mia about things...you know she is a genius...mjgirlgenius...remember the fish with the beke? the things about politics...i don't know why did that topic came through my mind....when i first met her...my first impression was mia is shy...but no she is not shy...she is actually bubbly and man we are both weird cause we are the only ones left laughing in boba loca remember that? man, cams was looking at us like we are weird man....ok that' all man!!! see ya!!! mwah!!!

Arienne: wOaW! oL i Can.. Say aBoUt Mia iZ DiZ GurL Rye hUrr iS MaDd sMaRt . . . prOLi eVbEn sMaRtEr THaN Me..! lolz ..eN pReEtY tOo..!

Josh: A very shy girl at first but when you really get to know her she is not so shy. Actually she can crazy and random it's pretty awesome. I am glad i met her because she actually finds me funny or i hope so. I keep making fun of her because she killed me in mafia or i think she did i am not sure. She has crazy stupid ninja moves which make her awesome, she has her all girl posse and i think she really like the internet. Over all mia is a cool gal. It's fun hanging out with her and the youth, you rock gal.

Aika: OK..mIA is a a really awsome person when ya get a convo goin..she ll open up to ya and after that..you got a great friendship..don t worry bout gettin along wit her cuz she is so easy to talk to... i guess thats how i feel cuz we clicked pretty fast. she my lishuz ladieez budday for life.. (kinda inside joke heh) but i member da first day i met her and i dun kno what to say! she seemed kinda shy and eberyone thinks so..but that don t last for long..don t be fooled by her..lol..she s nice and does stuff for ya! lol its like i can see the Light in her and that i know He is moving in her juss by her daily routines and her personality. so derr ya go! MIA! my homiee for eber and eber!

My Blog

calming the storm :]

He has calmed the storm, shed His light in the seeminglyendless sea of darkness, and allowed me to walk on water.. Forever will I praise His constant presence.  Thank you, Lord. Your plans are in...
Posted by on Sun, 07 Dec 2008 08:59:00 GMT

i need you to pray for me, guys. <3

you guys should know about how i alwayshave these crazy ideas or dreams that seem to be far from reach. well, even thoughchristmas has just ended, i ask you allto do just one simple thing for me:pray ...
Posted by on Tue, 26 Dec 2006 00:22:00 GMT

pag-andam na lang ung panyo. :[

       Ever since it was diagnosed that I am  having a  posible heart enlargement in the last APE, I have exerted more effort to do physical exercises.  I ...
Posted by on Mon, 18 Dec 2006 06:31:00 GMT

au contraire, christians.

Muhammed DID believe in Jesus."Thereupon she pointed to him. They said, 'How can we talk to one who is a child in the cradle?' Jesus said, 'I am a servant of ALLAH. HE has given me the Book, and has m...
Posted by on Fri, 01 Dec 2006 20:09:00 GMT

blaise pascal, you're my hero. <3

--> BEGIN CHAPTER -->  Discourse on the Passion of Love MAN 1 is born for thought; therefore he is not a moment without it; but the pure thoughts that would render him happy, if he coul...
Posted by on Fri, 01 Dec 2006 19:12:00 GMT

you must be wondering why I didn't go to church..

No, the last thing that should be on your mind is the rather insiduous remark that I've "lost my faith." I may miss our usual gatherings, but there's reason behind my actions. God knows...
Posted by on Sun, 26 Nov 2006 15:21:00 GMT

the one thing i nearly forgot to give thanks for..

may your spirit be enlightened this sunday morning. 1 Corinthians 2:9No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind hasconceived what God has prepared for those who lovehim. [10/09/05] my written prayer t...
Posted by on Sun, 26 Nov 2006 11:26:00 GMT

6 am holiday shopping?! :D [a must read]

Gooood morning. It's freezing cold at 6 am in the morning.Wooohoo. We're all heading down to Kmart! And yes, you'reright! Nobody has bathed and everybody just basicallyslept in with last night's party...
Posted by on Sun, 26 Nov 2006 10:48:00 GMT

hoy, mga kababayan! i found this in the LA Times. :[

my response to the following article:Yeah, perhaps it IS about time we quit worrying overunnecessary teenage drama and start questioning about what'sgoing on in our home country. How many of you actua...
Posted by on Sun, 26 Nov 2006 10:44:00 GMT

wisdom from an indian elder :]

it's been awhile since i've last posted somethiing on xanga.. [about an interim of 3 months, buds.] i spent a good five minutes or so reading past entries to get a glimpse of what had inspired me. no ...
Posted by on Sun, 26 Nov 2006 10:54:00 GMT