Cate profile picture


You disgust a good way. It's a compliment!

About Me

OKAY, REVAMP! About me... what can I say? I am Cate. What else CAN I say? I myself don't even know who I am, let alone tell YOU who I am! ;O) My blogpage tells more about me at then i ever could tell you here. I love my family, my friends, my dog, my life. I have it good, and I give thanks every day. I love to love and love to laugh. "Why cry when you can instead laugh at the world?" "Every cloud has a silver lining." -- The quotes by which I live.

My Interests

My interests range far and wide, and I always want to try new things. I like to eat, but I don't really like to sleep. I believe it can be cojnsidered a waste of time and loss of efficiency, and let me tell you, I like to be efficient. I also enjoy various sports: volleyball, softball, basketball here and there, HORSEBACK RIDING (alhtough I don't get to do it much-- yet.) Plus, I like music. And not jsut the music of the radio, I-Pod, or CD. I like to PLAY music, on my clarinet. BAND NERDS WILL RULE THE WORLD!!!! I am a girl scout, too and proud of it, honey. I love animals, and have a dog of my own, my precious Max. He truely is my baby. :O) I like to write. I don't have the patience for a novel, although I liek to write short stories and poetry. I won't ocmment on it's QUALITY, but the point is I like to write. And read. A LOR. Oh, and I am in this amazing club at school called Model United Nations, and let me tell you, it is crazily fun and, yes, hard work. But, boy, the rewards are great: debating skills, manipulation skills, public speaking skills, thinking-on-the-balls-of-your-feet skills, and so much more. Plus, you get to go to cool places, meet international peoples, and feel more knowledgable about the world!!! Ok, that is enough hobbies. If I listed them all, we would have a system overlaod, and you probably won't read them all. Heck you probably haven't even made it this far.

I'd like to meet:

People would be nice.


I love country and alternative. I know total opposites. But really, I will listen to pretty much anyitng, just depends on my mood and who I am with. I have loved Colt 45 at the odd moments, and yet a nice classical piece sometimes suits my mood. Or techno. Anyhting you can imagine, I like, if the time, place, and people are proper.


NO CONTEST HERE:Over-all movie: Miss CongenialityDisney: Mulan and Emperor's New GrooveSlapstick: Zoolander


I should watch more TV and read less. or so my father tells me.


WEll, I could no sooner pick a favorite book than a favorite star in the heavens, as character in EVER AFTER once said. But, I do have a favorite author. Her name is Tamora Pierce, and although her books are a littel young for me now, I started to read her books in about 6th grade, and haven't stopped. I have them all, and their spines are as lovingly worn as any baby balnket or favorite stuffed animal. (Dn't alugh! you KNOW you all have one somewhere!)


My heros are anyone who has striven against the odds. you may not be beating them, but man, you are trying and NEVER guiving up, no matter WHAT is thrown at you. I admire you, and applaud your amazing, commendable efforts. When another would die, you keep on living , trying, and enjoying.