I am a 2yr old Black Lab that lives in Collinsville Oklahoma. I am the King of all I survey. My Queens name is Arwen and I have to brag here a little she is only a year old so I guess I am robbing the dog bed so to speak. I spend most days laying under the air conditioner and "wrestling" with the little woman. My slave girl is good to me, she's a little bossy but she gives a good ear rubs so I guess I can let it slide. I am 26" tall at the shoulder of course and I weigh 130lbs. I am told that is large for my race, it seems natural to me. I have many responsibilities as King. I have to maintain a secure kingdom. I have to interact with neighboring kingdoms to negotiate a peaceful coexistence. But after establishing my authority in my region of the world I can now relax and enjoy my reign. My slave girl is from an inferior race of beings that have deluded themselves into believing they control the world. They go out and work to supply our food, they serve us hand to paw. When I am unhappy she is unhappy. When I am sick there she is. She drives me where ever I want to go while I lean out the window and wave to my subjects. I recently brought a wife over from a neighboring kingdom, we're still in our honeymoon period so we'll see how it works out. It is time for my royal nap so I will close for now Your King
I have just received covert information that my slave girl is a spy! The informant say it was her that had my package cut off while I was sleeping! The treachery! I am going to keep an eye on her, her punishment is coming!