Soccer is the one thing that keeps me going no matter what I do.
As gay as it sounds, it is my sanctuary.
Turner Valley is my favorite place in the world.
I want to be cremated and have my ashes sprinkled there.
No joke.
I used to run track.
I'm a freshman at St. Vincent College.
I show no confidence in myself and on occasions I get yelled at for it.
I try to be nice to everyone around me, and if I'm not I'm probably joking around.
I've found myself to get the proverbial "shaft" from a lot of people.
Because of that, I have low expectations towards others under a lot of circumstances.
That way I'm not disappointed.
If you were to run your fingers through my hair, or massage me, I'd love you forever.
I don't really have what they call shame.
Henceforth, I love making things awkward.
Green Tea makes me happy and I drink way too much of it.
IM me at spinagesucks501.