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Eklectik dj from Brussels Underground Queer Parties.
Klub Radikal. L'Univers du Queer. Transformer Festival. Pink Ponk.
For booking, you can send an e-mail here. Thank you.
"Dj Klectik is mixing since 1998 in underground queer parties especially in the Klub Radikal in Brussels. He like to mix a lot of different music (rock, electro, world, alternative, punk, french music, etc...) for crazy people who like jumping from a style to another without transition. Recently, he organise concerts at the Magasin 4 and also " l'univers du queer" (1 to 6) who's a dj-expo-queer-meeting in december 06, march & august 07, february & december 08 and march 09. He's part of the organisation of the Transformer Festival in April 2008 in Brussels. Since approximatly six years, he's mixing with Dj Bon Goût (aka Dj Bob Sleigh). There is a very good feeling between this two guys and it can be felt in their mix. Also mixing with DJoker who is soooo good too..."
L'Univers du Queer sur Facebook :
http://www.facebook.com/home.php#/group.php?gid=1211645 15429&ref=mf
......FB.init("114dbef158015f240c53e674022a7d3e");...... DJ KLECTIK on Facebook
Artwork by Eliot
L'Univers du Queer :
Artwork by Romolo, Nath & Matthieu
Artwork by Paolo
Artwork by Paolo
Artwork by Paolo
Artwork by Paolo
Artwork by Bon Goût
Artwork by Paolo
Mia - Jimmy (full length video)
"Il y a qq temps, un jeune gay australien membre de YouTube (steviebeebishop) lançait un appel aux autres utilisateurs pour collaborer à une vidéo visant à dénoncer les commentaires haineux et homophobes postés sur internet, et sur YouTube en particulier. De nombreux YouTubeurs ont répondu à cet appel pour dire « Fuck You »
The GayClic Collab Against Homophobia (from France) - Fuck You by Lily A...
Jeff Mills first dj set in Belgium 1993
The Gossip - "Heavy Cross"