Member Since: 17/06/2007
Band Members:
shootin' stars are:
Francesca Bottaro:drums, clarinet, saxophone, xylophone
Giulia Bottaro: electric bass, flute, metronome, supporting singer
Francesca Cricco: electric and acoustic guitar, voice, xylophone
about the band
The shootin’ stars is an alternative rock band composed of three dazzling Italian ladies:
Francesca Bottaro (drums, clarinet, saxophone, xylophone)
Giulia Bottaro (electric bass, flute, metronome, supporting singer)
Francesca Cricco (electric and acoustic guitar, voice, xylophone)
Partially influenced by dark wave, blues and bands such as Tuxedomoon, P.J. Harvey and Radiohead, the shootin’ stars managed to create their own unique sound, which seduces the audience with soft and sinuous melodies. Songs are in both English and Italian, incorporating poetry and culture from both nationalities and adding a zing of their own personalities.
The band got together in 2003 and has been performing its music for art exhibitions, clubs and Italian musical contests such as:
• Biella Festival: a national contest of singer and songwriters;
• Premio Fabrizio De Andre’: a national contest dedicated to a well known Italian singer and songwriter;
• M.E.I: a national meeting of independent labels;
• Performances for art exhibitions in Via Giulia, Villa Piccolomini and Torretta Valadier in ponte Milvio.
• Le sorelle di Shakespeare (Shakespeare’s sisters): a performance about the role of women in art, mingling theatre, literature and shootin’stars music;
• Leggete mai i libri che bruciate?: a performance of readings and music which shows the main literary influences of their texts. It had been successfully performed in several libraries in Rome;
• Fin dentro l’appartamento: A theatrical performance presented by the Tutti Estauriti Company of Rome, used shootin’ stars songs throughout its play.
• They also had a period of training in the C.E.T. (European Tuscolan Centre) directed by the Italian author Mogol.
• Some of their songs are included in compilations such as “romarock-romapop†in 2007, “ Parlare Musica †in 2007, “ 9° Biella festival autori cantautori†in 2007, and “ Premio Massimo di Somma †in 2008.
• Collaborations in CDs by the saxophonist Nicola Alesini and the guitarist Roberto Pagano.
Sounds Like:
Le Shootin' stars fanno parte della compagnia teatrale "I tutti esauriti"
e saranno in scena il 25 giugno 2009 con lo spettacolo inedito
"Fin dentro l'appartamento"
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Type of Label: Unsigned