MELiSSA profile picture


Nothing happens until you make it happen!

About Me

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Read my VisualDNA ™ Get your own VisualDNA™ a clever observer once said about me, "you like to be noticed but, not seen." ♥ im a girly girl that secretly wants to be a ninja... ♥ i enjoy listening to trance in the mornings and slow jams at night. ♥ my most favorite time of the day is peaceful and beautiful. ♥ I like having all the little boxes on my calendar filled in! ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ I used to think I was a big city type of girl wanting the "Sex and the City" lifestyle...but, now I think I can be happy in the middle of nowhere ....where the air is cleaner, the trees are greener, the sky seems a little bigger, and the stars shine brighter....all I want is an outdoor fireplace and sitting area....where I can cozy up with my fuzzy socks and blanket....enjoy good company, chatting, reading, or listening to music as the fire crackles. As I grow older, it becomes more clear that it's the simple things that make me happy. =) Now, I just haveta find that place that's about 55-60 degrees all year round for me to be able to wear my hoodie and socks in front of my outdoor fireplace!!!! Any suggestions?..

My Interests

English Bulldogs. Especially this one. ♥ my baby.... My favorite time of day...taken in Lake Geneva, WI...where i want to be....aaand i have a HUGE sweet tooth! =)

I'd like to meet:

Keanu Reeves ♥, Andy Garcia, Angelina Jolie, Kate Beckinsale, Andriana Lima, and Jack Bauer....orrrrr someone who can grab my attention, keep it, and catch me when i eventually fall. aannnnd ppl that can pull off both the GQ look and the punk/hard look simultaneously (just ask me how ;)....someone who can teach me something and push me to my limits. someone who can show me an aspect of life that I don't already know. someone who is affectionate and loving....orrrrr Andy Garcia from When a Man Loves a Woman and Josh Lucas from Sweet Home Alabama. ♥ I LOVE manly men who secretly have a sensitive know like me and my secret desire to be a ninja....this way we'll complement each other quite nicely - dontcha' think? =P♥... ALWAYS AND OF COURSE.....people who enjoy DANCING!!!♥ ....also, someone who can tell/show me how to get those sexy lower back dimples! I want them!!!!♥......aaaand lastly, a guy who knows how to handle his MUSTANG & make me laugh until my cheeks hurt! ;) OH WAIT, i've already met him and he's more than I could have ever hoped for! =)

Let me introduce you to...
I have 281 ♥ WONDERFUL friends.

Anna (Miss Princess)

Julia (Miss Rockstar)

Jean (Miss Trouble)

Soo (Miss Bratty)

Rosa (Miss Dancing Queen)

Thuy (Miss Vogue)

Stanley (Extreme)

Chris (Romeo)

Jimmy (Ace)

Ted (GQ)

Ben (Bling)

Wayan (Suai Guh)

Rissy (Miss Queen B)

Kelly (Miss Energizer)

Tiffany (Miss Bootyshorts)

Christine (Miss Marshmallows)

Loretta (Miss Sweetheart)

Mei-Ling (Miss Legs)

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...BASS. just give me BASS ♥ and i'll be a happy girl.


Pretty Woman, When a Man Loves a Woman, The Count of Monte Cristo, Sweet Home Alabama, The Notebook, Hitch, Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, Dirty Dancing, Matrix, The Last Samurai, The Sweetest Thing, 40-Year Old Virgin, Da Vinci Code, MI3, XMen3, The Lakehouse, and many many more etc....i LOOOOOVE movies!!! Let's have a movie marathon!


24! 24! 24! 24! oh and ....the TODAY show (Matt Lauer!), Sex and the City, Beverly Hills 90210, Friends, CSI:Vegas, Buffy, Will & Grace, So You Think You Can Dance, Desperate Housewives, What about Brian....besides these shows, I don't really watch TV. *I don't even watch these shows on TV (except for Bauer) ....yay for! =)


The Devil Wears Prada, The Four Agreements, Mastery of Love, Where the Sidewalk Ends, Blink, Suspense Thriller novels, Reference books, Self-help books, Cosmopolitan, Architectural Digest, Budget Travel, Psychology Today, OK! magazine, and US Weekly....


...."if you continue to think as you've always thought, you'll continue to do what you've always done, and you'll continue to get what you've always gotten." -- ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ -- "Live with intention, walk to the edge, listen hard, practice wellness, play with abandon, laugh, choose with no regrets, continue to learn, appreciate your friends, do what you love, live as if this is all there is." - ♥ Mary Anne Radmacher