So for those of you who don't know, haven't been, aren't IN.....Gratitude Hill Country Club is an exclusively private country club style venue high in the Rocky Mountains of Gilpin County, Colorado. We strive to cater to the laid back folks that seem to fill every rocky crevasse of these parts with 9 holes of disc golf, horseshoes, and an incredibly scenic stage set on the hillside with the "Sleeping Giant" mountain range as the majestic backdrop. Our goal is to create a resort setting for a select few, and of course, to have a good time ourselves! Local and touring bands alike, are welcome to play on our rustic, hand hewn, lodgepole stage and we guarantee the experience will be one of a kind!
Featured in the "songs" section of this page is just a sampling of the music that has taken place right here at the Gratitude Hill Country Club.
My Interests
Member Since: 16/06/2007
Band Members: This is a PRIVATE Country Club, members only.