travel layout powered by HOT / MyHotCommentsThe Osun's Village and African and Caribbean Cultural Arts Corridor is the brainchild of Cultural Anthropologist, Designer and Int'l Trade Specialist Chief "Nana Kwaku" Nathaniel B. Styles, Jr. the Ankobeahene II of Kwahu, Ghana and Architect Harlan "Kwaku" Woodard, principals of Kwaku Designs International,Inc., KDI/Architecture Inc. and Co-Founders of Community Builders Holistic Development Corp. a 501 C-3 mutual benefit organization focusing on sustainable international collaboration projects while based in Miami, Florida.During the 2006 Legislative Session, the State of Florida passsed HB-121 authored by Styles and Woodard, that created The Osun's Village and African & Caribbean Cultural Arts Corridor. HB-121 formally designates the roadway where the initiative that will formally revitalize a targeted 43 block commercial corridor between NW 36th and NW 79th Street along SR-7/NW 7th Avenue in Miami, Florida is presently taking place.The name Osuns Village was chosen for the initial targeted 6 block demonstration area between NW 54th and 60th Street along NW 7th Avenue, due to the legend of the Yoruba Goddess who holds significance to many cultures represented in Miami's multicultural Liberty City community.Osun is called Erzulie by the immigrants from Haiti, Ochoun or Caridad del Cobre their Patron Saint by the immigrants from Cuba and Oxum by the immigrants from Brazil. She is Isis in the folklore of ancient Kemet.The custom of making a wish and tossing coins into the waterfall or fountain is certainly an act of veneration to Osun. This is one of numerous Africanisms everpresent in cultures today! As the patron of the arts who loves beauty and splendor, it is in this spirit of love, the arts and commerce that the theme was chosen as most appropriate to serve as the banner to unite Miami's African based cultural communities, serving as an international cultural tourism destination within this urban community within the coming 3-5 years.As evidenced by the recent "Osun's" makeover of the Magic Johnson Burger King located at the SE gateway of Osun's Village on the corner of NW 54th Street and 7th Avenue, the commercial facades of the buildings and cultural programming within the corridor will be revitalized to reflect the bright colors and diversity that are represented in the many culturally specific banks, boutiques, restaurants and professional services offered within this rapidly changing community.The legend of Osun, the personification of beauty and sexuality in Yoruba Mythology dates back thousands of years. SIMILAR TO OSUN'S ROLE IN THE FOUNDING AND PROTECTION OF OSHOGBO IN NIGERIA, WEST AFRICA THE PRESENCE OF OSUN IN THIS URBAN COMMUNITY WILL HAVE A POSITIVE IMPACT: CREATING JOBS, HOUSING AND TRAINING OPPORTUNITIES IN THE INTERNATIONAL TRADE, CULTURAL TOURISM AND HOSPITALITY INDUSTRIES FOR GENERATIONS TO COME AS THIS URBAN CORRIDOR RAPIDLY TRANSFORMS.THE LEGEND OF OSUN ORIGINATES FROM OSOGBO, NIGERIA-WEST AFRICA. Osun is venerated globally. She is called Erzulie in Haiti, Isis in Khemet, Ochun in Cuba, Oshun or Oshoun in the US, Oxum in Brazil and Venus in Ancient Greek mythology.
CNN On the Oshun Festival in Oshogbo 2008 (Òsun Osogbo Òrìsà Òsun)