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Member Since: 16/06/2007
Influences: Spiritually and by example:
Jesus Christ and my amazing bride Patti. Also, my current music minister John Garner and my former music minister John Griffin. Instrumentally ONLY:
Michel Langevin (Voivod), Mitch Mitchell (Jimi Hendrix), John Bonham (Zep), Manu Katche (independent), Robb Reiner (Anvil), Dan Beehler (Exciter), Tom Hunting (Exodus), Gene Hoglan (SYL), Paul Bostaph (Exodus and others), Dave Lombardo (Slayer), Alan Myers (Devo), Dave Weckl (his jazz quartet), Jae Sinnett (his jazz trio) and Carter Beauford (Dave Matthews Band). Bjork is a major creative influence.
Sounds Like: Depends on what is required or the emotion conveyed.
Record Label: Ahumina! Productions