So...2 years later and I update it. I'm 20 and I'm about to go into my 5th year at edinburgh uni but I've only actually completed 2. Quite impressive don't you think?I've spent pretty much the last year travelling and away from Scotland. Trained as a colon hydrotherapist for something to do - we'll see where that goes...Then I went and taught English in Tulum in Mexico for a bit which was fun but hey, painting the recycling sign was better.For the past 5 weeks I've been travelling around SE Asia (mainly Thailand) chilling out and meeting loads of random and awesome people. I go home tomorrow and I don't want to. Uni starts again (cry) in about a month I think and in between now and then I'm gonna have to get a job and think about when I'm going away again next...soon hopefully. Scotland can't tie me down too much.21 in October (finally) so party time at my's been too long since the last one!!This has been a complete ramble sitting in a Bangkok internet cafe waiting for my ipod to be covered in some crazy shiny stuff. But random is good.Muchos love banana x