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About Me

oii oii Bethany A.K.A Bee 15/taken/"shoot to kill" Fuck the fakes what is the point. be yourslef. scream at the top of your voice. i am actully a nice person teehee. ^^i really couldn't be fucked with it ahaa!^^ Love me or hate me you choose!!

Jazz Flaherty 16.5.08

This boy means the whole world to me! I never thought that i would ever find someone so amazing and so perfect. I love him more than words could descrbie. He makes me so happy and he is the only person in the world that can make me laugh so much i sound like a baby. he is every thing i could dream of and so much more. I wouldnt change him for the world Your my life gourgous and your never loosing me! life wouldnt be worth living without you in it! I love you sooooo bloody much and thats never going to change! I love you! xxxxxxxxx

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