Warren Rabbitass - Australias premiere country music superstar; Snagglepuss; Tom Hanks - I'd bitch slap him for castaway; **Someone who's won lotto; The guy off the arrow computer ads... SLAP; Nancy Kerrigan - she wouldn't settle for silver; Paul Dempsey - the mans a dead set legend! William Hung - The Hong Kong Ricky Martin;James Brown; The person (you know who you are) who turns the pie warmers on in the Jiffy trucks... If your reading this TURN IT UP! Contrary to popular belief (and statistics actually show) a cold pie is considerably less satisfying than a hot one. We don't pay for your free service cause we like cold processed arteries, lips & assholes Got it? Good. Fix it.Nice work on the salad rolls though You really are the industry leader in yellow lettuce & chewy milk; Any of the 4 chicks that live in the house around the corner, by the way, Im sure they'd agree that $3.90 is bloody expensive for a pie thats cold enough to do serious brain damage if hoiked at someones head; While im at it, I'd like to meet Mrs Mac... IF thats Really her name. **Done it - They DO exist!!