About Me
Welcome to My Piece of the Internet.I am a regular on the chatroom of the Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry. My online identity is Heavenstorm.
I aspire to bring glory to God our Creator whose Word is true, made known through the prophets of the Old Testament and the person of Jesus Christ- God in flesh.
Jesus was tortured and nailed to a cross. He was buried, but by His own power rose again conquering death itself. His substitutionary sacrifice was payment for the judgment owed to the sinner. Whoever will trust in Him as that substitution are His, and those who are His are saved from the righteous judgment of God.
Jesus has provided the way to unite holy God, and wretched sinner on the cross. He is the only hope of salvation for those who will trust in Him.
This is the glorious message of the gospel of Christ and the heart of the Christian faith itself. If you are clueless and want to learn more I recommend you read the gospel of John in the NIV Bible.
My life's overarching goal is to exhort Christians and non-Christians to study and understand why it is we believe what we believe and demonstrate how and why Christianity is rational and superior to other competing belief systems.
I aspire to proclaim and defend the Christian faith in a way that is friendly and fair, exposing error, false philosophies, dispelling myths, and affirming Christ.
I am not a pastor, or a trained theologian, and I don't claim to be. I am an apologist - one who defends the faith. I don't have all the answers, but like every Christian, I do have legitimate reasons to conclude that God is the God of the Bible, and what the Bible says is true, for it is literally the Word of God.
Declaration of Faith:
I believe that the Bible is God's Word. Written by fallible men under the power of the Holy Spirit so that the end result was original manuscripts of the Bible containing no error.
The Bible accessible to us (The 66 books of the Protestant Canon) compiled from the ancient copies of the original manuscript is an authoritative resource for mattters of Christian doctrine. The untranslated copies offer a higher degree of accuracy in the process of interpreting scripture, especially concerning teachings that aren't crystal clear.
The Bible is dependable, and speaks with clarity in every defining doctrine (essentials) of the faith. Although these doctrines are under constant attack, close examination of the scriptures reveal a clarity that is dismissed by the prevailing popular liberal scholars of the day. Postmodern and naturalistic textual scholarship does not have a track record of providing fair and objective conclusions. The Christian side is poorly represented and highly suppressed, although not impossible to uncover.
Jesus is God, sharing two natures both divine and human. He is the pre-existing, eternal God of the Bible.
He has fulfilled the ancient prophecies of the Old Testament, performed miracles, and died physically on the cross to literally raise from the dead three days later. His works, and the prophecies of the ancient theocracy of Israel attest the divinity of Christ, as well as multitudes of eyewitnesses at the time.
God is one God existing in three co-equal persons, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The trinity is not three gods, nor one God in three modes or states of being. God is distinct from our physical universe that He created. God and the universe are distinct. God and man is distinct.
The Father is not the same thing as the Son, who is not the same as the Holy Spirit. The three share the same nature - God. Each of them has a voice and will.
God is holy (cannot sin, cannot lie, cannot do wrong), all powerful (possessing all power that can be had), all knowing (having complete knowledge of all actual events of the past, present and future), and everywhere present (nothing that exists exists outside of the presence of God).
Humanity has fallen short of the standard of God's holiness and glory. Our rebellion against God has brought a curse upon us and the earth. Because of the person of who God is (infinite by nature) our offense against Him is infinite, and the consequence is eternal hell.
God came to the earth, the person of Christ, and paid the price for those who will trust in His substitutionary work that was finished on the cross. It is only through Him that one can be delivered from the divine wrath of God. No one and nothing compares to the God of the Bible. It is futile to even try to make up for our infinite offense. It is by His love and grace that Christ came, demonstrating His love on the cross.