[Autobeat Ally] Inkon54 profile picture

[Autobeat Ally] Inkon54

I am here for Friends

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Sir Thomas Unicorn


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More than anything else right now I'd love to catch a break.


Age / Twenty
Body / Five Eleven
Status / Uncertain
Hometown / Columbia
Orientation / Straight
Here for / Friends / Networking
Education / College +
music, facebook, video gaming

Nam lectus tortor, facilisis non, laoreet sit amet, mattis nec, nunc. Pellentesque vitae nulla.


I thought Spiderman 3 sucked.


Of Montreal, Regina Spektor, Goo Goo Dolls, Keane, Nine Inch Nails, Rage Against the Machine


// digg.com - Tech News

// Megatokyo.com - my fav internet soap opera.

// Daily fix for snappy banter and comic goodness.

// Facebook - preferred place to waste my time.

// when MySpace fills up, the rejects will stalk the earth Emoscene.com - it must be seen to be believed.


Drop me a comment. I am always keen to hear a friendly voice. Comments will not apear on this page though I will recieve them.

The Small Print

Eat me, Drink me here !

// Eminent Style //
Web design and Development

My Blog

The Gunslinger: a recounting of events

There is no feeling better than rising to the occasion and proving one?s self ready and able. But to describe the events of today as merely rising to the occasion would be a great disservice and a pal...
Posted by [Autobeat Ally] Inkon54 on Sun, 13 May 2007 02:24:00 PST

Explosions in the Sky (not the band)

There's not a whole lot to put here, but I am coming to you live from the desktop of my new 20" iMac.Freaking YES.my eyes are dilated and I've become prone to sudden outbursts of "esyesyesyesYESSSSSS!...
Posted by [Autobeat Ally] Inkon54 on Thu, 14 Dec 2006 09:32:00 PST

Snowbound: The Early Morning Adventures of Two Handsome Idiots

it's 2.38am and i am loving it.It is a known fact that the word "meteorologist" is Latin for "liar" and this is no truer than in the bitterly sweet land of mid-Missouri.but what's this?Precipitation f...
Posted by [Autobeat Ally] Inkon54 on Fri, 01 Dec 2006 01:09:00 PST

Meanwhile, back at the ranch...

Nothing ground breaking or inflammatory today, fear not. World's Largest Earthmover - defies description! http://americatopten.blogspot.com/2006/1... as for the previous entry, 1 of my only 2 respon...
Posted by [Autobeat Ally] Inkon54 on Sun, 05 Nov 2006 06:48:00 PST


It's heartbreaking to see people you love knowingly make decisions that will hurt them. At the end of the day, these myriad pleasures that we see not only our peers, but our society at large throwing ...
Posted by [Autobeat Ally] Inkon54 on Thu, 02 Nov 2006 02:29:00 PST

a certain lack of color

I was remarking to a friend recently about how I and so many of the people I know and have run into recently, their lives have become stuck in the black hole of college life.We don't know what they ar...
Posted by [Autobeat Ally] Inkon54 on Thu, 02 Nov 2006 02:28:00 PST

Summer Plans and Anime accusations

Hey everybody.I'm looking forward to this summer.To give you all a hint as to my future plans, specifically during the summer months, the following pertains:Trip to Colorado for a week with Jr...Sr. T...
Posted by [Autobeat Ally] Inkon54 on Mon, 30 Oct 2006 09:05:00 PST

warning: the following is drivel and contradictory

Musically,  I'm hard to please.It seems that I want to eat my cake and have it to, as it were.If anyone knows my opinion on music, it is that it must excel in all areas, or be extraordinary in at...
Posted by [Autobeat Ally] Inkon54 on Fri, 20 Oct 2006 12:14:00 PST

Kareoke Revolution

well, it's official, i don't have laryngitis, but my throat is pretty swollen and i'm almost totally hoarse. This is my own fault after I belted out "Play that funky music, white boy" and "I'll Be" at...
Posted by [Autobeat Ally] Inkon54 on Sun, 15 Oct 2006 10:59:00 PST


[edit]admittedly this is among the poorer of my updates i've ever put up on here, so i'll do my best to add some trivial information that is technically 'interesting'.Well, I will be able to use my 2n...
Posted by [Autobeat Ally] Inkon54 on Thu, 12 Oct 2006 01:17:00 PST