Amiee; profile picture


I am here for Dating and Friends

About Me

My name is Amiee
And it's time to grow up.
Aim- Robot Cemetery
Yahoo- Amiee_blue3000
Awesome Kid's Deserve Awesome Boxes
Keith's Box [17:40] MyNamesUncreativ: Boo
[17:41] Waltz Into Love: AHHH *Jumps out of window* *Dies*
[17:41] MyNamesUncreativ: What!?
[17:41] MyNamesUncreativ: NNNNOOOOO
[17:41] MyNamesUncreativ: My life is meaningless now
[17:42] MyNamesUncreativ: *followes out the window*
[17:42] MyNamesUncreativ: *dies*
[17:42] Waltz Into Love: <3
[17:42] Waltz Into Love: Yay!
[17:42] Waltz Into Love: We're dead together
[17:42] MyNamesUncreativ: I know
[17:43] MyNamesUncreativ: Twas all for you
[21:22] MyNamesUncreativ: *Runs up the wall, jumps off, doing a back flip, and lands on your head*
[21:22] MyNamesUncreativ: Hi.^^
[21:22] WaltzIntoLove: Hi
[21:22] WaltzIntoLove: =D
[21:22] WaltzIntoLove: That's some fancy foot work you did
[21:23] MyNamesUncreativ: Yeah, I know
[21:23] MyNamesUncreativ: I practiced just for you
[21:31] MyNamesUncreativ: I saw a picture of that show yesterday and couldn't remember what it was called, but it looked really familer
[21:31] WaltzIntoLove: Welll, now you know. =D
[21:32] WaltzIntoLove: Wouldn't banananas in pajamas be like REALLY obvious though?
[21:32] MyNamesUncreativ: >_>
[21:32] MyNamesUncreativ: <_<
[21:32] MyNamesUncreativ: No
[21:32] MyNamesUncreativ: >_>
[21:32] MyNamesUncreativ: <_<
[19:21] WaltzIntoLove: (Pirate)
[19:21] MyNamesUncreativ: (Ninja)
[19:22] WaltzIntoLove: (Dinosaur)
[19:22] MyNamesUncreativ: (Ninja)
[19:22] WaltzIntoLove: (Cheater!)
[19:23] MyNamesUncreativ: (God)
[19:46] MyNamesUncreativ: OH!
[19:47] MyNamesUncreativ: I found a bandaid and thought of you, so I put it in my pocket. Then 8th period a friend of goes, "Ouch. A paper cut." ANd I wiped ou the bandaid like waping shimmer shimmer gleam gleam.
[20:07] WaltzIntoLove: *Cries on your shoulder*
[20:08] MyNamesUncreativ: *pats your head* There there Amiee. There there. And an extra there just for good measure
[21:29] WaltzIntoLove: My mouse is acting up...
[21:30] MyNamesUncreativ: Well, then you should send your cat after it
[21:33] WaltzIntoLove: I dont have a cat D=
[21:33] MyNamesUncreativ: Meow?
[21:35] WaltzIntoLove: =D Keith! Fetch it!
[21:39] MyNamesUncreativ: Isn't that a dog?
[01:14] MyNamesUncreativ: Look look! It's Amiee it's Amiee
[14:29] MyNamesUncreativ: 'ellooo there
[14:31] WaltzIntoLove: Hello
[14:32] WaltzIntoLove: Jello
[15:07] MyNamesUncreativ: ;lakgjjkbfljkgdsfbnsfkjl;g
[15:07] MyNamesUncreativ: ;klght4e;gtqo;ihrg
[15:07] MyNamesUncreativ: erqgohg
[15:07] MyNamesUncreativ: pqowietu
[15:07] MyNamesUncreativ: a;slkdjf
[15:07] MyNamesUncreativ: asdfjkl;
[15:07] MyNamesUncreativ: 0987654321
[20:10] WaltzIntoLove: B-a-n-a-n-a-s
[20:10] MyNamesUncreativ: O-r-a-n-g-e
[20:11] WaltzIntoLove: G-r-a-p-e
[20:12] MyNamesUncreativ: A-p-p-l-e
[20:12] WaltzIntoLove: P-e-a-r
[20:13] MyNamesUncreativ: Uh...uh...
[20:13] MyNamesUncreativ: G-r-a-p-e-f-r-u-i-t
[20:13] WaltzIntoLove: W-a-t-e-r-m-e-l-o-n
[20:14] MyNamesUncreativ: W-a-t-e-r-m-e-l-o-n-s
[20:14] MyNamesUncreativ: Oh what now
[20:15] WaltzIntoLove: My oh my
[20:15] WaltzIntoLove: M-e-l-o-n-s
[20:16] MyNamesUncreativ: C-a-r-r-o-t
[20:17] WaltzIntoLove: T-u-r-n-i-p-s
[20:17] MyNamesUncreativ: Okay I give
[20:17] MyNamesUncreativ: You win this time
[20:22] MyNamesUncreativ: Hmm, well we could always get a divorce
[20:22] MyNamesUncreativ: Nah
[20:22] MyNamesUncreativ: Never mind
[20:22] WaltzIntoLove: I don't want a emo divorce
[20:22] WaltzIntoLove: *Clings*
[20:23] MyNamesUncreativ: Nope
[20:23] MyNamesUncreativ: Never
[20:23] MyNamesUncreativ: *clings*
[20:46] MyNamesUncreativ: I think it's a bad sign when you're waching cops and go, "Aw man. I've seen this one before."
[17:07] MyNamesUncreativ: *giggles a little*
[17:07] WaltzIntoLove: =D
[17:09] WaltzIntoLove: Amiee made Keith giggle!
[17:09] MyNamesUncreativ: >_>
[17:09] MyNamesUncreativ: <_<
[22:39] MyNamesUncreativ: *bandaid falls off*
[22:39] MyNamesUncreativ: Opps
[22:39] WaltzIntoLove: Gasp!
[22:40] WaltzIntoLove: It was you Keith the whole time
[22:40] MyNamesUncreativ: Um, uh, no it wasn't
[22:40] WaltzIntoLove: But, but?
[22:41] WaltzIntoLove: But, the bandaidddddd...?
[22:42] MyNamesUncreativ: What bandaid *hides bandiad behind back*
[22:42] WaltzIntoLove: The shiney one!
[22:43] WaltzIntoLove: The one that fell offv*looks on the floor for it*
[22:44] MyNamesUncreativ: I don't know what you're talking about Amiee. You ran into the glass door again didn't you
[22:44] WaltzIntoLove: I doubt I did, Poor bandaid, all losted...
[22:52] WaltzIntoLove: *Stands* Okay I checked everywhere for the bandaid So that only leas to two conculons!
[22:52] WaltzIntoLove: First one: It flew out the window
[22:52] WaltzIntoLove: Second: You have it
[22:53] MyNamesUncreativ: *blnk blink*
[22:53] MyNamesUncreativ: *puts the bandiad on your forhead* [19:46] MyNamesUncreativ: OH!
[19:47] MyNamesUncreativ: I found a bandaid and thought of you, so I put it in my pocket. Then 8th period a friend of goes, "Ouch. A paper cut." ANd I wiped ou the bandaid like waping shimmer shimmer gleam gleam.
[15:09] MyNamesUncreativ: this oughta be fun as having a rabid panda on crack tossed in your sleeping bag in the middle of the night and that's damn fun
Chelsey's Box!
[12:23] Robot Cemetery: Whattt?
[12:24] voicesofwolves: I have a big ass
[12:24] voicesofwolves: that's whaaat
[12:24] voicesofwolves: ;D
[12:24] Robot Cemetery: Oh okay
[12:24] Robot Cemetery: Then Chelsey's got back!
[16:35] voicesofwolves: ><
[16:36] voicesofwolves: I'LL DIE FIRST
[16:36] Robot Cemetery: SHUN THE NON BELIEVER
[16:51] Robot Cemetery: Dude, her boobs are like huge xP
[16:51] Robot Cemetery: It bugs me
[16:51] voicesofwolves: I know
[16:51] voicesofwolves: They're way to big
[16:51] voicesofwolves: they would get in the way if she fought
[16:51] Robot Cemetery: She'd like accidently elbow them or something xD
[16:51] Robot Cemetery: BAM! AHH MY BOOB
[18:02] Robot Cemetery: WE'RE NOT GONNA TAKE IT!
[18:02] Robot Cemetery: NO WE AINT GONNA TAKE IT
[18:02] voicesofwolves: WE'RE NOT GONNA TAKE IT
[18:02] voicesofwolves: ANYMORE!!!!!!!!
[17:55] voicesofwolves: 123456789
[17:55] voicesofwolves: I can count.
[17:55] voicesofwolves: :D
[17:55] Robot Cemetery: Or press keys in order they are on the keyboard?
[17:55] voicesofwolves: That too.
[21:32] Robot Cemetery: Stupidhead
[21:33] Robot Cemetery: ;]
[21:43] voicesofwolves: YOU JUST CALLED ME A STUPIDHEAD?!
[21:18] Robot Cemetery: "Let's o this drug cause Amiee wrote about it!"
[21:18] voicesofwolves: "Yeah! That kid always knows what she's talking about!"
[21:19] Robot Cemetery: "WHOA! She didnt say this would happen!"
[21:20] voicesofwolves: "Hey Davey! Let's go play with the big smiling monsters of metal on the river of stone!"
[21:22] Robot Cemetery: "Okay Jimmy! Later we can ride our bikes up the magic stairway!"
[21:22] voicesofwolves: XD
[21:22] voicesofwolves: And Jimmy and Davey were never seen again.
[23:43] voicesofwolves: OLD
[23:43] voicesofwolves: YOU
[23:43] voicesofwolves: OLD
[23:43] voicesofwolves: OLD oLD
[22:40] voicesofwolves: amieee
[22:40] voicesofwolves: AMIEEEEE
[22:40] voicesofwolves: AMIEE
[22:40] Robot Cemetery: YESSS!
[22:40] voicesofwolves: I wuff life
[22:40] voicesofwolves: I wuff you
[17:37] Robot Cemetery: Let's paint a tree rainbow!
[17:38] voicesofwolves: YEAH
[17:38] voicesofwolves: We'd need a lot of paint though
[17:38] voicesofwolves: but that would make one hell of a tree
[17:38] Robot Cemetery: People would be like, "OMG LOOK AT THAT SYMBOLISM!'
[10:53] voicesofwolves: XD
[10:53] voicesofwolves: "the coolest mutha fucka you will eva meet"
[10:53] voicesofwolves: That b u
[22:12] voicesofwolves: I'd get pissed if some blonde fool threw his dirty drawers at me
[22:12] voicesofwolves: I'd like
[22:12] voicesofwolves: stuff um down his throat
[22:49] Robot Cemetery: I'll call myself your guys' gaurdian
[22:49] voicesofwolves: ;D
[22:49] voicesofwolves: "We broke the turtle mommy!"
[22:49] Robot Cemetery: "RUN!'
[23:40] voicesofwolves: BOLOGNA
[23:40] voicesofwolves: BOLOG-NA
[23:40] voicesofwolves: LOGNA
[23:40] voicesofwolves: Ba-lon-ieeee
[23:40] voicesofwolves: BOLOGNA
[23:51] Robot Cemetery: I gotta conquer over it!
[23:51] Robot Cemetery: I gotta get out of the ward!
[23:53] voicesofwolves: YES!
[23:53] Robot Cemetery: YES!
[16:51] voicesofwolves: MAKE ME A TACO
[16:51] voicesofwolves: HOE
[16:51] voicesofwolves: FOOL
[16:51] voicesofwolves: FACE
[19:32] Robot Cemetery: I love my boobs
[19:33] Robot Cemetery: Their like real boobs. Not fat girl boobs. :D
[19:33] voicesofwolves: ahhahahhahaaahahhaaaa
[19:33] voicesofwolves: LOLZ
[19:33] voicesofwolves: I really wanna put that up
[19:33] voicesofwolves: But I won't
[11:09] voicesofwolves: HEY
[11:09] voicesofwolves: HEY YOU
[11:09] voicesofwolves: HEY YOU KID
[17:57] Robot Cemetery: mannuggets
[17:57] voicesofwolves: HITLERNUGGETS
[17:57] Robot Cemetery: NAPOLEONNUGGET
[17:57] voicesofwolves: Washingtonnuggets
[17:58] Robot Cemetery: ABELINCOLNNUGGET
[15:20] voicesofwolves: Asphalt.
[15:20] voicesofwolves: Assfault.
[15:20] voicesofwolves: Asphault
[15:20] voicesofwolves: Assphalt
[15:20] voicesofwolves: Ass
[17:06] voicesofwolves: EW
[17:06] voicesofwolves: RESPONSIBLE
[17:07] voicesofwolves: I CAN'T BE SEEN WITH YOU NOW
[17:07] voicesofwolves: IT WOULD RUIN MY STREET CRED
[21:36] Scary Rainbowz: ahhahaha
[21:36] Scary Rainbowz: you?
[21:36] Scary Rainbowz: a dork?!
[21:36] Scary Rainbowz: NEVER mannn
[22:19] Robot Cemetery: :[cooties]
[22:19] Robot Cemetery: :[u]
[22:19] Robot Cemetery: :[haz]
[22:19] Robot Cemetery: :[them]
[22:19] Scary Rainbowz: :[u]
[22:20] Scary Rainbowz: :[iz da]
[22:20] Scary Rainbowz: :[cootie]
[22:20] Scary Rainbowz: :[queen]
[22:20] Robot Cemetery: :[i]
[22:20] Robot Cemetery: :[knowed]
[22:20] Robot Cemetery: :[u]
[22:20] Robot Cemetery: :[were]
[22:20] Scary Rainbowz: :[gonna]
[22:20] Scary Rainbowz: :[say]
[22:20] Scary Rainbowz: :[that]
[22:21] Robot Cemetery: :[dat]
[22:21] Scary Rainbowz: :[?]
[22:21] Scary Rainbowz: :[ahaha]
[22:21] Scary Rainbowz: :[you are]
[22:21] Scary Rainbowz: :[too]
[22:21] Scary Rainbowz: :[slow]
[22:21] Scary Rainbowz: :[lolz]
[22:21] Robot Cemetery: :[dont]
[22:21] Robot Cemetery: :[mock]
[22:21] Robot Cemetery: :[me]
[22:22] Scary Rainbowz: :[too]
[22:22] Scary Rainbowz: :[late]
[22:22] Scary Rainbowz: :[hoe]
[22:22] Scary Rainbowz: :[:D]
[22:22] Robot Cemetery: :[..
I <3 you Chelsey-puff.
Megan's Box
[20:45] One grunge heart: Amiee, it's Bush's fault that you're alive
[20:45] Waltz Into Love: O.o
[20:46] Waltz Into Love: Erm okay
[20:46] One grunge heart: You don't get it! xD
[20:47] Waltz Into Love: I guess not
[20:47] Waltz Into Love: Am I not supposed to exist or something?
[20:47] One grunge heart: He's the reason in a "He fucked your mom" kindof sence
[20:48] Waltz Into Love: O.O He's my DAD?!?!?! Mommy lied to me T_T
[20:49] One grunge heart: xD
Krystle's Box
[11:54] micabezaduele: I have to go soon. and be hot for my license. lol
[11:54] Waltz Into Love: xDD
[11:54] Waltz Into Love: Oh yes
[11:55] Waltz Into Love: Thats the sure fire way You'll get it
[11:55] micabezaduele: lol
[11:55] micabezaduele: Totally
Molly's Box
[18:13] Waltz Into Love: JIG OFF!
[18:14] Waltz Into Love: xD
[18:14] a city sailor: JIGGAJIGGAJIGGA
[18:14] Waltz Into Love: *Jigs*
[18:15] Waltz Into Love: *Jiggs like a banana*
[18:16] a city sailor: teheheeheheh
[18:16] Waltz Into Love: I made Molly laugh. I own everyones bases
[18:16] a city sailor: yeeeeahhhbuddy
[22:28] a city sailor: you're bad
[22:30] WaltzIntoLove: I'm bad?
[22:31] a city sailor: it's an hour past your bed time
[22:32] WaltzIntoLove: Yesh it is
[22:32] a city sailor: baaad
[22:32] WaltzIntoLove: I'll go to bed sooooon
[22:32] WaltzIntoLove: 5 more minutes?
[22:32] a city sailor: i dont see how you do it
[22:32] a city sailor: however long you like
[22:33] WaltzIntoLove: =D
[22:33] WaltzIntoLove: I'm a rebal
[22:33] WaltzIntoLove: Whooot!
[22:33] a city sailor: oh myyy
[22:33] a city sailor: call 911
[22:33] WaltzIntoLove: Okay
[22:33] WaltzIntoLove: *Grabs a phone*
[22:34] a city sailor: haha
[22:34] a city sailor:
[22:39] WaltzIntoLove: They wont help me
[22:39] a city sailor: they should arrest you
[22:40] WaltzIntoLove: Ohhh, Let me call them back
[22:40] a city sailor: hahaha
[22:40] a city sailor: "please, you need to arrest me, it's an hour past my bed time. I'm craaaaaazzzy i tell ya!"
[22:41] WaltzIntoLove: Yeah yeah!
[22:41] a city sailor: lolololol
[22:42] WaltzIntoLove: They say they're coming
[22:42] a city sailor: are you gonna make a break for it?
[22:43] WaltzIntoLove: Maybe later
[22:44] a city sailor: chase scene!
[22:44] WaltzIntoLove: Yup yup
[22:45] a city sailor: oh i gotta see this
[22:45] WaltzIntoLove: I'll take my heavy duty tank and then see what they can do to me
[22:46] a city sailor: video tape it, we can make a movie
[22:46] WaltzIntoLove: I will
[22:47] WaltzIntoLove: And it'll be pretty
[22:47] a city sailor: it'll get awards and stuff
[22:47] WaltzIntoLove: And even the red carpet. =D
[22:48] a city sailor: yeeah
[22:48] a city sailor: oh boy i cant wait
[22:51] a city sailor: are you tired yettt?
[22:51] WaltzIntoLove: Kinda
[22:51] a city sailor: oh my
[22:52] WaltzIntoLove: Why oh my?
[22:52] a city sailor: you'll never outrun the cops if you're tired
[22:53] WaltzIntoLove: I'll drink Coffeeeeee
[22:53] WaltzIntoLove: And sooooda
[22:53] a city sailor: yeesssss
[22:54] WaltzIntoLove: But, Id have to find it
[22:56] a city sailor: that might help
[12:51] a city sailor: jrakfgyes
[12:51] WaltzIntoLove: Psh! Chuckie cheese is way better
[12:52] a city sailor: have you ever been to jrakfgyes?
[12:52] WaltzIntoLove: Once when I was little
[12:52] a city sailor: dont lie
[12:52] WaltzIntoLove: Nope I havn't
[12:53] a city sailor: then you dont know
[12:53] WaltzIntoLove: But I have my sources!
[12:53] a city sailor: they probably lie too!
[12:54] WaltzIntoLove: Nu-uh you're my source!
[12:55] a city sailor: and i said it's better than chuckie cheese
[12:55] a city sailor: so ha
[12:55] WaltzIntoLove: You told me in Drama thursday that jrakfgyes was horrible
[12:55] WaltzIntoLove: =D
[12:55] a city sailor: dont put words in my mouth
[12:55] WaltzIntoLove: But its sooo fun
[12:55] a city sailor: not for me!
[12:56] WaltzIntoLove: True.
[12:56] a city sailor: baaah
[12:56] WaltzIntoLove: But you're welcome to putwords i my mouth
Laurens Box
[13:25] FaeryMusic: ewwwww
[13:25] FaeryMusic: amiee has cooties
[18:18] FaeryMusic: ha ha i love your comments w/ keith
[18:18] Waltz Into Love: Really?
[18:19] Waltz Into Love: So Do I
[18:19] FaeryMusic: yea it was so funny
[18:19] FaeryMusic: but you know what
[18:19] FaeryMusic: i dont' have one
[18:19] FaeryMusic: *bursts into tears*
[18:19] Waltz Into Love: I'm sorry.
[18:19] Waltz Into Love: I'll make you one then
[18:20] FaeryMusic: yay
[12:04] FaeryMusic: YEAH
[12:04] FaeryMusic: YEAH SON
[12:04] FaeryMusic: YEAH SONNY
[12:04] WaltzIntoLove: Yay!
[12:04] FaeryMusic: ha ha i just aged 50 years in three im's
[20:11] FaeryMusic: sex
[20:11] FaeryMusic: um.... i can explain
[20:11] FaeryMusic: actually i cant
[20:11] FaeryMusic: what condom
[20:12] FaeryMusic: i threw it away
[20:12] FaeryMusic: i mean it never was here...
[20:12] FaeryMusic: oh crap
[20:12] FaeryMusic: teh he he
Katy's Box
[17:25] handipunk13: i wish I had a pet monkey
[17:25] WaltzIntoLove: =o
[17:25] WaltzIntoLove: What would you name it?
[17:26] handipunk13: good question...
[17:26] handipunk13: pussbucket
[17:32] handipunk13: then hump its face
[17:32] WaltzIntoLove: Oh must definatly
[17:32] WaltzIntoLove: That'd be the best part
[17:32] WaltzIntoLove: =D
[17:34] handipunk13: yay!
[17:34] handipunk13: then i'll hump your face Joe's Box
[18:00] Jounin Zeidrich: Amiee
[18:00] Jounin Zeidrich: That sorta rolls off your tongue.
[18:00] Jounin Zeidrich: Amiee
[18:00] Jounin Zeidrich: With the ee's
[19:58] Jounin Zeidrich: nothing like bear
[19:58] WaltzIntoLove: =o
[19:58] Jounin Zeidrich: now what was i doing
[19:58] Jounin Zeidrich: o yea
[19:58] Jounin Zeidrich: no wait...
[19:59] WaltzIntoLove: I left for you're house remember?
[19:47] Jounin Zeidrich: this is the county
[19:47] Jounin Zeidrich: theres no one here
[19:47] Jounin Zeidrich: to attack you
[19:47] Jounin Zeidrich: cept that pervert
[19:47] Jounin Zeidrich: up the street
[19:29] Jounin Zeidrich: haha
[19:29] Jounin Zeidrich: yea right
[19:29] Jounin Zeidrich: jealousy
[19:29] Jounin Zeidrich: pssshhh
[19:29] Jounin Zeidrich: ...
[19:29] Jounin Zeidrich: yea i'm jealous >.>
[23:32] Jounin Zeidrich: YOu seem pretty calm, you might worry about things but that's human aha
[23:32] RobotCemetery: Calm?
[23:32] RobotCemetery: I like that word
[23:32] Jounin Zeidrich: yea
[23:32] Jounin Zeidrich: like relaxed
[23:32] Jounin Zeidrich: yea
[23:33] Jounin Zeidrich: calmmmmm
[23:33] RobotCemetery: has a nice ring to it
[23:33] Jounin Zeidrich: calmmmmmmmmmmmm
[23:33] RobotCemetery: Calmmmmmmmmmmmm
[23:33] Jounin Zeidrich: Calmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm<3
Alex's Box
[00:51] WaltzIntoLove: How would you know?
[00:51] WaltzIntoLove: STALKER!
[00:51] ibreakformoney: exasctly
[00:52] WaltzIntoLove: If your stalking me then where can you be hiding?
[00:52] ibreakformoney: every where
[00:52] WaltzIntoLove: That's kinda scary
[00:53] ibreakformoney: yup
[00:54] WaltzIntoLove: Because if you were everywhere then you'd be in the bathroom too right?
[00:54] ibreakformoney: yup
[00:54] ibreakformoney: go take a shower!
[00:54] ibreakformoney: ;D
ibreakformoney: lol
ibreakformoney:haha jk i love you

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Love Is When You Cant Sleep,
Because Your Reality Is Better
Than Your Dreams.


My photography gallery:

My Blog

Let's Waste Time

If I lay here, if I just lay here Would you lie with me, and just forget the world. I don't quite know how to say how I feel Those three words, are said too much, they're not enough. All that ...
Posted by on Sun, 05 Jul 2009 15:06:00 GMT


God, I wish I could believe in and prayWhen everything changes in a day.
Posted by on Mon, 23 Mar 2009 17:58:00 GMT

The Terrified Acorn

I actually wrote this a long time ago. By long time ago, I mean a few months ago.---------------            Living on a giant oak tree isnt so bad, especially when you get past the fear of heights. W...
Posted by on Sun, 15 Mar 2009 07:59:00 GMT

It’s Amazing

How fast things change,When you're not there.
Posted by on Sat, 13 Sep 2008 00:12:00 GMT

The Snow Ninja

I wrote this for my english class project. It’s crazy and may not make alot of sense. ;]        The Snow Ninja            &n...
Posted by on Wed, 19 Mar 2008 14:11:00 GMT

Have You Ever Wondered,

Have You Ever Wondered; If you were really changing yourself for yourself? Or maybe for someone else. What ever happened to the nice girl, The one who was easy putty? She melted in the heat of ha...
Posted by on Mon, 03 Mar 2008 19:25:00 GMT


Someone said to me recently, "You can get any guy you want Amiee if you just try." Aren't I trying? Do I try harder?Can I try harder?  Somebody should just set me up again. That was nice. It didn...
Posted by on Sun, 17 Feb 2008 11:06:00 GMT

Videography And A Poem

Myspace blogs don't accept video codes. :O Oh dear. Here's The Link I want to hand you the worldOn a small plastic plate,Politly you'll disect itMaking light conversationTalking between sip and nibble...
Posted by on Thu, 17 Jan 2008 18:30:00 GMT

Something I Stole

I once read this quite nice bookWith this quite nice poem in it.I don't know who wrote it.But it definatly wasn't me.I still enjoy it though none-the-less. Once on a yellow piece of paper, he wrote a ...
Posted by on Tue, 13 Nov 2007 20:23:00 GMT

It’s Time To Live

So this is it. My last year as a kid. By this summer, I'll be legal age.I want to do things I shouldn't doI want to make mistakes that all kids makeI want to do things I'm told not toI want to re...
Posted by on Sun, 07 Oct 2007 14:05:00 GMT