my name is nicole.
I'm a
who likes fire
and animals of the equine family.
that's really all you need to know
--ashley and beki were here. :D
-- rutu was here too. you're right behind me! hi nicole!!! :>
horsebackriding, photography, dancing in deserted supermarket aisles, writing fanfiction, watching the sun rise, reading, friends, declining beki, cooking yummy stuff, camping, etc. etc. etc.
Tithe, Valiant, Briar Rose, Jane Eyre, Pride and Predjudice, New Moon, Watership Down, Pendragon series, Twilight, Bound, I Capture the Castle, Snow-Walker, Kite Runner, Eldest, The Yearling, Chronicles of Chrestomanci, Eragon, Inkheart, Burning Up, Harry Potter and alot of other stuff i cant think of right now....