We're ACORN . We believe in the power of everyday people to change this nation through civic participation. ACORN is the acronym for the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, the nation's largest community organization of low- and moderate-income families, working together for social justice and stronger communities. ACORN has more than 350,000 member families in more than 100 cities in the United States and in cities in Argentina, Peru, Mexico, the Dominican Republic and Canada.
Through ACORN, people who are passionate about improving their lives and the lives of their neighbors fight for justice and the opportunity to escape poverty. Here are some of our campaigns: We fight to help people get full benefits from government programs, including increased tax refunds through the Earned Income Tax Credit and screening for government benefits for which some don't know they're qualified. We fight for increases to the minimum wage . We fight for your right to affordable housing . We fight to stop foreclosures . We fight to hold predatory lenders accountable to the people. We fight so workers will have paid sick days . We fight to speed up the citizenship processs for immigrants. Through these campaigns and others , like the Rebuild New Orleans Campaign and our Healthcare Campaign , ACORN pushes matters of poverty and social justice to the front of line with policy makers and legislators.
We also fight for your right to vote. ACORN knows that all of our voices are important, all our voices matter, and all our votes should count. Full voter participation can only make American democracy stronger, and so we help citizens to register to vote.
ACORN has helped more than 1.6 million people to register to vote in this country. And this year we're registering hundreds of thousands more through a nationwide voter registration campaign. The greatest power and ultimate responsibility lies with the people, with you. Register to vote today.