The Phoenix is primarily a marketing firm, which focuses on strengthening the Caribbean Market. The Caribbean Culture is one of the most diverse, unique, and admired cultures in the world, and therefore one of the most profitable! In the past disorganization and a self-centered outlook on business has limited the profitability of Caribbean Businesses. The Phoenix primary function is to group all available talents and resources in the market to develop a network that maximizes profitability; by combining all aspects of our culture to market our businesses creates a greater demand for our culture which then translate into sales for our businesses. For Example: Look at any Caribbean commercial currently, it is clearly geared towards the sale of one product. What the Phoenix brings to the table is cross-promotion! Imagine an Air Jamaica commercial, with Sean Paul getting on the plane wearing a Cooyah design, drinking a Grace Tropical Riddims Drink, sitting down to watch a Kariblink Mix-Tape DVD, and when he gets in first class the flight attendant ask him to choose between a bottle of Appleton or 10 Cane Rum. This is marketing of culture! Instead of one company taking on the expenses and reaping minimal benefits, within the same 60 seconds we have showcased 7 different products and split the expenses amounts 7 companies. That’s why The Phoenix is your link to success!