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Testiment of Jesus is fulfilment of prophecy.

About Me

Thy Kingdom will come on earth as it is in Heaven...My Fathers Will will be done.
Love is what we are born with,fear is something we learn,who teaches us this fear... Love is the essential reality and our purpose on earth.To be consciously aware of it to experience love in ourselves and in others is"The Meaning of Life"...Meaning does not lie in things/buildings...Meaning lies within us.(Marriane Williamson/a Jedi-sister lightworker)The greatest cathedral adorned and encrusted with gold and stone can never be any more sacred than one of Gods children...(Michael)
"How terrible for you teachers of the law,you have kept the key that opens the door to the house of knowledge that you yourselves will not go in,and you stop those trying to go in..."(Luke ch11/v32)
Feel the love falling from my eyes...Souls who hear the call of life,who have open hearts and discerning minds.Souls who wish to renounce the world and embrace the Gnosis,(knowledge)who wish to walk on the path of peace,for war has been over for a while now so prepare for peace,your soul will then assend after you cast off your mortal flesh...Come to me all you weary come to me all who hunger and thirst after purity and purpose.Together we shall worship the great life...togrther we shall weave the RAINBOW ROBE and ascend upwards through the"gate of life"to our original"bridal chamber...Miryai(Mary)Magdalene...
The Mythic Call
The World is changing...you can feel it in the air...for now is the time for anyone who so choses.to see that we have a chance to re-create ourselves and our planet (mother earth) to become anything we want.The goal posts have been shifted by a higher power,no more rules...what is real and what is not real does not apply anymore...there are no"facts"anymore...anything is possible.You know that.
Arc angel MICHAEIL/"Michaeil(Hebrew)meaning he who is like the lord.Iam the guardian angel of the Iseralites and Isreal/I like to fight against satan/To save the souls of the faithful from the dark side(especialy at the hour of death/To be the champion of Gods people...The Jews...The Muslims...and the Christians...therfore iam the patron saint of the church...Iam the order of the knights from around the middle ages,as well as the patron saint for all policemen and soldiers...I will return to Earth for the Day of Judgement...I will return with Legions...
Ethiopian Isrealites...
Let nothing trouble you,let nothing make you affraid...all things pass away.God never changes.Patience obtains everything...God alone is enough.(St Teresa of Avila)
The Jews of Ethiopia
One of the first countries offered to the Jewish people was Africa...north/west Africa.Another country mentioned was Madagascar,considering it was a bit far from the place The Moses spoke of,there ancestral birth place,place of origin,worship history...and every thing else that means anything to them,iam not supprised they turned it down.What supprises me is who is playing God.Who are"They"that can place and diss-place people/s anywhere anytime they feel like.I have a big problem with land rights,ownership the filthy rich,the rich,selfish and the ignorant,i dont know why.....Now is the time to put things right...one tribe,one people,all equal in the eyes of GOD...you know that...THERE IS NO OTHER WAY...We each and every one of us...(Sheep do not exclude any(even outsiders) from the flock,and that was why our master Jesus Christ,(the reason heaven and earth were formed)made the comparisson)
I love them that love me,and those that seek me shall find me.For my Truth is better than Gold...
What treasure does lie in wait for me,what adventures...What guards the jewels,the precious hordes of endless knowledge.What has kept watch over such an abundant wealth for so long,and what has it kept safely hidden all these years"The Keys to the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven"...the dragon has kept it safe,remember the stories when you were young (yes you do),only we were led to believe that the dragon guarded gold and silver and ancient coins,treasure trunks full of precious stones and sparkling jewleryhidden under the mountian,just like in the Hobbit.But no,not a treasure you can spend...not that kind of wealth,wealth of another kind the dragon has kept safe and secret...and now it is time to awake...The Welsh Dragon,the symbol of my birth place has awoken,for the Lion of Juda and all the Saints are with us...the word made flesh is among us."Praise the Lord"and give thanks..."For those who are first will now be last"...
"Scripture genologists"Do but direct to the line of Christ,and thus mark him out as the promised Messiah."Scripture chronology"Does but mark the seasons of Christ...the times of"promise"and the days of"power".Jesus Christ being the"great subject"and"end of scripture revelation"we aught everywhere to search if we can find him...The scriptures testify of him (John v 34) To him gave all the prophets whitness (acts x 43)...In Moses,in Psalms and in the prophets there are things concerning him.(Luke xxxiv 27,44.His name is the word of God....God made the covenant with his Son as the mediator and representative of his elect...From eternity Jehovah himself alone subsisted in three persons,The Father,The Son and the Holy Ghost(Genisis xxi 33)(:Deut xxxiii27)Psxc 2)(,Isa,Habs,John,Cor,Matthew...,
It is but a gradual revelation of him,answerable only to the"Councils of God"...
As it is in heaven...so shall it be on earth.
"There are many mansions in my fathers kingdom and many dimentions...
We are travelers in a big universe.....
Praise elevates us into Gods presence and power...because God inhabits the praises of his people
Mother Church
The whole head is sick and the heart is faint(the sinfulness of the church and the whole nation...for the nation gains its"sense"of right or wrong from"Mother church"who is supposed to look out for us...care for us...all mother church cares about is her own self importance.That was the problem our lord and saviour had 2000 years ago...and he caused a"bit of a stir" then,i dont think Jesus had a lot of time/respect for the hierachy of the self proclamed"intermediatories"of his father...That was then,this is now.( More so than in any period past does the church need God,they need God so badly...)
The Church should not be a hotel for saints,it should be a hospital for sinners...
Every christian that is waiting to die to go to heaven will be dissapointed,every christian who thinks that this world is full of sin and we are all sinners is also mistaken.If your not happy with the way in which you see the world then change the way you think!For God gave us this beautiful planet,his very own garden,and he also gave us an average three score and ten(a period on earth)to do with what ever we liked to do with...he blessed us all in his image,what more could you ask for.Do not look upon God's gifts and diss-respect them...honor them,dont wait to die to go to heaven...the kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven...Stop worshiping the messenger and start practicing his messages/teachings..."A man who has faith and no works is like a man beholding himself in a mirror"... (James)name="wmode" value="transparent" ..
All songs on this myspace are written by Michael and they have my heart inside everyone of them,they are not written with the intention of offending anyone...I look upon them as"Inter-Faith songs,and i hope you do too.My love and light shines for everyone.
May those who are nearest to you be constantly enriched by the beauty and the bounty of your love,may your work be a joy of your life that serves the world and may your days be good and long lasting upon this Earth our home.(Nicholas Powiull,God bless)A friend messaged me that today,21/5/08,and i thank them from the bottom of my heart,they and i know it is never to late...a Wizard is never late.God bless and may everyone of us help in his/her way to bring about The Kingdom to come.
"Do not weep.Look the lion of the tribe of juda the root of david has triumphed.(revelations 5-5)God bless all...
"As Gods messenger i give you all this warning;Be honest in the estimation of yourselves,measure your value and your quality by how much faith God has in you and has given you.Just as our bodies have many parts and each part providing a different function,so it is with Christs body...we are all parts of his one body each of us having different work to do,we all need each other...and each of us needs the others"
If Christians lived by the Sermon on the Mount...if the Buddhists followed the Noble eightfold Path...If the Muslims followed the teachings of the Prophet...and if the Hindus shaped there life in accordance with the teachings of the Saints and Sages...There would be peace... (Swami Sivanada)
TAO"Tao is known as the Way,if we preceed with our lives according to this humble way focouced and non-aggressive way,then the forces of the Universe both"Light"and "Dark"will actualy manifest as"benificial"in our lives".
That would please God...and it would help a great deal in the building of the foundation for the"Kingdom On Earth"as it is in"Heaven"...(Michael)
When i was young i used to admire intellegent people,but now iam grown up i admire kind people...
As above so below...as within and without...A divine union of heaven/earth...cropcircles appear in 58 countries worldwide when they magesticaly arrive in the spring,as early as april,and carry on materializing quietly elegantly until their harvested,around the end of august.There have been over 20,000 cropcircles/glimphs that have been photographed recorded and registered,and not one person caught not one person to step forth and claim"i made that"...why because nobody does make them...at least nobody with a body like ours. "The Signs and Wonders that the book of revelation speaks of are here. Have we not compleated a 26,000 year cycle in which the sun has risen in all 12 houses of the zodiac(2100 years,take a year here completes 1 cycle and there 12 astrological houses)The dawning of Aquarius is over,what started in the 60s/70s is now well under way...What did start i hear you say...The end of the begining.The Age of Spiritual Enlightenment...the age of aquarius...At the time of Jesus,(the son of man) the sun rose in the house of "Picies"(for a period of 2100 years)the age of man,for the son of man.2100 years before,the sun rose within the house of Aires representing the ram or the lamb,that was in the time of the Moses,i say"the"because i believe it to be a title.And 2100 years before the Moses,the Egyptians worshiped the bull,because the high priests which taught at probaly the 1st "University"(within recorded history)told them to,for amongst teaching many subjects,astronomy was the way forward,the way in which the self proclaimed men gods,(pharoes)could make/take control/sense,of everything...It was known to have been situated in what was called lower egypt,on the banks of the nile river,at a place called Heliopolis.They were the teachers/wise men/astronomers and the entertainers of the Egyptian nobilaty.There was a bitter war between 2 brothers...half brothers which led directly to the exodus which is spoken of the old testiment concerning the Moses.The Signs and Wonders,the End Days,and the End of "Time" as we know and comprehend...This is just the end of the begining.Indeed Aslan is on the move and hes looking for his people..
God is back in fashion...outside of any religion,God does not need religion,religion needs God..
Romans Ch-9 V-10/"i will rouse your jealousy by blessing other nations,i will make you angry by blessing the foolish gentiles"...
"iam placing a stone in jerusalem,a corner stone that will cause people to stumble,a rock that will make them fall,but any that beleive in him will not be dissapointed"...(Jesus)
"those who have never been told about him will see him,and those that have never heared of him will understand"
"But Maria Magdalene and John the virgin will tower over all my disciples and over all men who shall receive the mysteries of the ineffable.And they will be on my right and on my left And iam they and they are I.
Question,from Maria to Jesus/"My lord,in what manner would the souls be delayed outside,and in what form will they be purified...Answer,Jesus to Maria/I will reveil everything to you with certainty and openly...hear now Maria,and give ear all you disciples."
The concern that Mary has for the souls that do not get into the Kingdom is typical of the love and kindness within the Magdalene...I do love her and miss her so...we have waited long my love...1000 earth years.But the bridal room is being prepared this very moment...as i speak,take heart all who dwell in the Lord and give thanks and praise that you are here to celebrate this comming of days when the True King will restore the True Kingdom.
The Gosple of Mary Magdalene...
Angels Guard us
A guardian angel is appointed to every follower of Christ.These heavenly watchers sheild the rightiousness from the wicked ones.This satan himself recognised...(Job:1 :9 :10)
The agency by which God protects his people is presented in the words of the psalmists."The angel of the lord encompass round and about them that fear him and delivereth them.(Palms 34:7)
The War Dance...Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord,they rest from there labours and there works do follow them...
Wales is a mountain fringe on the great continent of Europe.Thus the movements of mankind westwards across the plains have broken at last like waves against the flanks of our hills,leaving in the valleys and on the habitable slopes the traces of each succeeding tide.Wales as the ultimate barrier stores the secrets of the past,long since drowened and lost along the lowland flats...But also there has always been the great back-doorway of the sea,sheltered by Ireland from the worst atlantic gales,providing the sweep of Cardigan bay.In the inlets of the south to the promontories in the north Welsh shores are where settlers and traders from the Meditrrranean have found a welcoming land and a lasting home for maybe hundreds of thousands of years/longer even,who knows.So the Welsh not only look out from their grazing grounds across England's coloured counties,the sons of farmers and fisherman have also followed the sea from one generation to another..Indeed the earlest known influences in Wales were sea-borne.The cromlechs,rock linings of vanished earthen mounds,are recognized as the remains of the pyramids of Wales'.They were built as tombs by a people believed to be non-Aryan,who came by the sea from Spain and the Mediterranean,some 5000 years before Christ...The number of there megaliths about the coast of Wales"proves"the long ages that these folk inhabited our shore.How far the traces of this pre-celtic people persist in the the country today is impossible to tell.(The Land Of The Red Dragon/Peter Lewis)A fantastic insight into"The land of the Dragon,and now it is time for the dragon to wake...the Lion of Juda is on the move and hes looking for his people...
Boudicca,Queen of the Iceni Celts:about me...DUX FEMINA FACLI-There was a woman at the head of the endevour,the encounter was a near-successful uprising to remove the roman tyranny from Brittinia once and for all..."Through my death i caused changes to be made in how the oppressors delt with my people and thus the herritage and culture of the Celtic people was not obliterated...Born in the British Isles:25-30 BCE...Rome tried to gain a foot hold for the natural resorces such as,Gold,Iron,Copper Tin Wood,Graizing land,Cows Chickens,Horses...ect ect..."What was left of my people went south with me to our neighbouring tribe the Trinovantes,who had been the most sorely used and abused by the colony of veterans at Camulodunum.While i waited and recoveres word fron rome on yet more formal protests Prasutagas I and other tribal heads had desperatly filed,i conveyed meetings with many other tribal leaders and Celtic cheiftons:My body stood as a physical testimant to what the romans were doig to us as a people.I was able to rally support for my plan to take back land which was infected by these maggots,these locusts who would lay wast to our land our lifestyle and our legacy..." God blesses all his angels.....Them that die in the lord shall rest from there labours and thy works do follow them.. (The mountins of WALES are shaking,the"embers"are awakening,they are the "star embers", children who are born with a gift,the gift of rem- ember- ing,now is the time for change for change we must....
Our ansestors want us to awaken,and to remember that which we have forgotten,or kept from remembering.
Unlike the highly sophistocated and well organised Greeks and Romans,the Celts with there"sense of inderviduality",never coulesced into a"political empire.Yet these tribes are known as a distinct people because of similarities in language,religion/philosophy...and material culture.At its hight in the third century bc,the Celts"realm"extended from the north sea to the mediterranean and from the black sea to the atlantic...The Celts introduced into northen europe"Iron"yes it was the Celts that started the first industrial revolution...(Jah)...introduced Soap to the Greeks and Romands,(until then they used something like a small window scraper to scrape all the sweat off them in the the steam baths)how very civilized of us,the savage celts helped clean up the civilized greeks and romans..."Shall i go on,ok just a bit more...Celts invented chainmail armour,the first to shoe horses,the first tool makers certianly amongst tool like...chisels,files,pliers,blades to cut metal,and all various farming equipment.They built the finest chariots...round houses,(which were nice,better than straight walls and corners)and they also had a calender and counting system second to none...So what the F U K did the romans ever do for us...you can stick your straight roads all the way up pompeys vissuvious...
Who makes us forget...and divides us from each other...what is it that"they want us to forget...That we are collectively and indervidualy the one(neo)
We all belong to the TRIBE...we are all parts of the whole, experiencing and reflecting different aspects/qualities of the whole...The one,one pepole,one tribe,one love,the beloved."Set me as a seal upon your heart for love is as strong as death,"(seal of solomon)...
The beloved Madonna/RUMI
The sacred femminine
Not long ago in a land not far away,their was the sacred,and she walked with beauty and harmony,the sacred together with her two sisters existed for a while within the visible and the invisible realms of men,when the world believed in magic...believed in in that which was hidden,(occult means that which is hidden)A special kind of magik,that was straight from the "vibe"...its not the cheep trick illussions of today,the magic i refer to is of a diffrent nature...to human!And yet its far from "alien" to us,we know of its existence through stories,myth and legend...told time and time again all through the ages,changes within the story were made to "bring it up to date", so that whoever ruled at the time could make sure that the changes best suited them! Who so ever owns the keys to the secrets of the mysteries of the "kingdom of heaven",shall know God! Its common knowlege that thousands of years before christianity,pagans had also worshiped a "Son of God",and that this pagan god was born of a virgin on the 25/dec,and also turned water into wine!He also raised the dead,and healed the sick... The head of the Holy Roman Catholic Church resides in a temple called,"The Vatican",where there once stood a pagan temple! Am i going to fast! Rome made sure to cover up/destroy anything that stood out from"romanised christianity....But during the time of the crusades the worship of christianity took a dramatic turn,the order of the templars was formed and within less than 200 years became more powerful than any country,kingdom or King! With a larger portion of there order already in the highest positions of power,they set about building there temples of worship under the very noises of the catholic church. (The Templar Revelations/Sue Picknit and Clive Prince) a great read!...So in all,"7" Gothic cathedrals were built, (not by,"mother church") but by the masters, or grand masters of the order,(templars),starting in Compastella/Spain,all through France where the majority are,which include Notre dame and Chartres,5 in all,...ending at Rosslyn/Scotland.7 leavels of initation to enlightenment (the holy grail) All built within the earths energetic,geodetic grid!(check that out)There are many differences within the christian temples of worship and the templars cathedrals,the 2 i find of most interest,there are,no alters,and no crusifix,....The templars spent 9 years in the holy land,as well as looting whatever was of any value,they unearthed a lot of information,information about the"true"history,concerning the "man god"Jesus Christ! There are people today within the inner circles of the order( freemasonry),who beleive that Jesus was a mortal,a man born of a woman,something that the Jewish people also believe,for it was prophesised that our lord and saviour would have an earthly birth/life.For it was told by the sages,sufis,seers,poets it was told by the prophets,and it was also in the stars...The templars did not believe that Jesus died for mankinds sins,(neither do the freemasons of today)and that he did not die on the cross for us,he so desperately wanted to show us,the "way"(he came to reveil not to redeem).They believe, if anything he came to "reveil,(to show)and teach us how we can aquire, the keys to the secrets of the mysteries. Jesus Christ came not to redeem,but to"reveil".... for no jew,as i understand believes in redemption!
If only we could remember the message,and stop worshiping the messenger...(There are many wise chineese sayings,one suites this occassion.You need the finger to point to the moon,but once you see the moon you no longer need the finger)find the light in you,within you. Christ is in us all,at all times...always.He is the image of God.(think about that next time you look in the mirror) God blesses all who shout his praises.The Jesus Mysteries,(Timothy Freke,and Peter Gandy)...a very good read
The Law was given to Moses,but the Truth and Grace came by Jesus(John 30;)"And i knew him not,but that he should be made manifest to Isreal...therfore i have come baptizing in water".(John the baptist)
Upon him you shall see the spirit descending and remaining on him,the same is he which baptizes in holy water...
If i tell you of earthly things and you do not believe,how shall you believe in heavenly things...(St John.Ch 12)
The truth shall set you free,because it illuminates the way...for you to"see"...
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Tara,Ireland a sacred place when once thousands of harpers played for 142 kings
A lot happens within the day of the world....
Ancient druidic lore, our creators gift to us is our birth right, and should not be buried or trashed under roads and quaint little villages like-Avebury, or "MOTORWAYS" like the one they plan to put straight through Tara in Ireland.The inferstructure of Celtic communial life,was envied throughout the so called civilised world,and christianity was of "pagan"/"gnostic"origin.But there was gold in abundence in pre-roman britain,(the only reason rome invaded!) Rome's greed/thirst for "gold" knew no bounds,as well as the raw materials of the world,rome wanted power of another kind....they wanted to control the hearts and minds of the people they conqured, so they used there own form of "belief system(Mithra)The roman god(the main one)existed,1000 years before christ,born of a virgin on the 25/dec,and he also could turn water into wine!So with an amalgamation of pagan/christianity,and their beleifs in mithra,they invented there own form of"Christianity,"therby possesing the keys to the secrets of the mysteries.Or so they thought/think,still to this day!The energy/force that was egypt,greece,rome,france,england and germany,is now festering in the corridors of the white house,in america. The true "keys" to the secrets to the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven have ( NEVER ) been lost,or forgotten,nore will they ever be! Unless free will can be totaly be taken from us....and i do not beleive that to be possible
blackmores night/ghost of a rose
To all those who lie,misstort the truth,and conspire in there ignorance,greed and malice to justify there deeds in as much for good of mankind as there own,and although many of them be unforgivable,i know that "they" need the most understanding!...God blesses all...."if your enemy is thirsty give him water,if he is hungry give him food..then he will be your enemy no more".(Jesus)
Memory over History
There is an old indian saying thatsomething lives only as long as the last person to remember it.My people have come to trust memory over history...memory is like fire it is radiant and immutable,while history serves only those who seek to control it.Those that try to put out the flames of memory do it to put out the dangerous fire of truth...Bewhere these men,for they are dangerous themselves and unwise...The false history is written in the blood of those who might remember,...and of those who seek the truth. (Floyd Red Crow/westernman...to be found on my best friends)
CURRENT MOON about the moon

He is known as John of God! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qyA-mkOrye8

My Interests


Member Since: 6/15/2007
Band Website: myspace.com/wonderer01
Band Members:

"In him was the life,and the life was the light of man"
.There was a man sent by God called John,the same came for a witness of the light that all men through him might beleive...He was not that light but was sent to bear witness of that light,that was the True Light that lighteth every man that comes into this world...
He was in the world and the world was made by him...and the world knew him not""He came unto his own,and his own received him not...The word made flesh and dwelt amongst us"(Gosple of Jonh)

The Song Of Soloman...refers to the"Mystical body of Christ and also to every perticular member of it,and these"figures and promises relating to it ought to be predictions relating to David...Soloman...and to the Jewish nation.Besides the immediate fulfillment of these objects,they have an antitypical accomplishment in Christ and his Gosple Church


Marriage is the existence between two opposite/complementry facets,it is through these complementry facets that life emerges on every level of the spectrum of light.We have to be complementries not opposits,to truly realise we are whole to begin with... but we do enjoy having an"equal"partner to be with,to share your day with...you hopes and fears...to share yourself with...Because its only when we can step outside of ourselves into another(being)un-conditioanly,can we truly become whole .You see we need our spiritual soul-mates"complementary reflection to become the highest quality of our being and reason for being Human,which is... "LOVE"(the image of God)...(Arch angel/Michael),who is right here right now,so iam told...

name="movie" value=

http://www.youtube.com/v/0h_oOXdgVss" ..

Do you want to know more about"extra terrestrials".Do you want a definition of an angel.Do you want to know about me...We are you,in the distant past,and the distant future.We are you as you were/would have been and still are,had you not fallen from your original state of grace...Essentialy,at our essence we are"spiritual beings"enjoying an earthly experiance,not physical beings that have spiritual feelings/thoughts...
We are many....We are Legion,collectively known as,the Consort,,we were constructed to de-construct!!To help bring about a world where all roads will lead everywhere,not just where "They" tell us it leads!(All roads lead to Rome)Well the "senate",(the state council of the ancient Roman republic and empire) is back within America's halls of power.All roads now lead to -Washington D.C.But the "New World Order State Council" is baised in "Brussels,Belgium,but i shall get back to that shortly.

This myspace of mine is not about me or my music.I love my music...for anyone thats interested i play for 2 bands at the moment...both can be found on my best friends...req friendship,you would be most welcome...Funhouse/Maizys Barn.Both play totaly different sounds,iam fortunate to have a great contrast to play with,as well as great musicians ,some of which are playing on my songs.All the percussion was recorded on a(portable Korg DC1600 studio)in Africa,in march of this year/08 by friends of mine who i love and thank beyond words.

Big Kiss to everyone of my friends without whom i would never have produced a collection of 13 tunes that i hope will give many people many hours of pleasure...I hope it will make you feel as though you have surveyed centuries of articulate dreams only to awaken and discover that they must finaly all come true...We are creating the future...The name of my forth comming cd is called "Alatentu" It is an "Inter-Faith project/collection of songs) to help in my own way(cause thats all you can do)to heal humanity...WOW...I like that word,and there is a night club in the Gambia with the same name thats not to bad too.Slzzler what a great singer/dj human,love you brother...I have always been very opinionated,(you've only got to ask my friends...God bless em all)but ive always liked talking to somebody with opinions,so long as they know what they were talking about.I have also worn my heart on my sleave,iam as transparant as"GLASS,and as freeflowing as WATER...And i take people as i find them...God willing...I try to surround myself with "God like" people,and i know that God my Spiritual Father Who Heaven and Earth were formed by is most pleased with me and the friends i have...For let there be "No Doubt"your friends will enhance the"Quality of your life or not...so choose your friends,if not everybody with an open mind and a big heart...Fool me once,shame on you...fool me twice shame on me...God Bless.W,(Michael) x

This myspace is not about my phiosophy,and i love life!
.What this myspace is for is to bring to peoples attention,"ATTENTION" ..."The Signs and Wonders"in the feilds of Southern England,in the book of revalation prophecy states that toward the end times,look for the signs and wonders in the feilds...

The True masters of the light

Crop circles ultimately are the biggest threat to the so called"NEW WORLD ORDER"the one unexplained phenomena that they can neither explain or control!Who are "They"...

A breif look at history...what they dont teach us in school...

I have"a belief in the abolition of all government and the organization of a society,on a voluntary,co-operative basis...With no controling rules or opinions to give order". - Anarcy - As quoted from,the concise " Oxford English Dictionary" ..... Many have come before us ........ Innovators Pioneirs ..... and the Great artists ..... the"Anarcists"........"Free Thinkers"........ Spiritual Masters! ..... killed and "Martyed" or persecuted and ridiculed,(they're pepperd all throught history)then many years after their death,when no ones around to object to their lies,"They" make up the, once upon a time history books.But the lies,the cover ups and all the "dualistic concepts" ( equal amounts of mass information on both sides of an issues,so as to leave you in a state of bewilderment) have amazed me,and the fact that the've gotten away with it for so long! How sad when our life/world has no meaning,we automaticaly think that life/world itself must have no meaning! Blessed are the children, free thinkers and the truth seekers,knowledge is the gateway to truth...the word to"know"derives from the word"knowledge"..

Did you know that the cavelry dressed up as indians to slaughter early settlers...just to justify there own existence,and for support back in europe in the genocide of the indigionous peoples of all tribes bar.. none,but white europeans.But it started long before the west was"Won"Back in Africa,and also in the south americas,a man revered in school classes throughout america and europe as a hero,"Christopher Columbus"was without doubt,one of the biggest instigators of slavery....(in a letter to the king of spain he wrote,"the indians will get stronger with each generation,soon they will be as strong as the blacks".You see the king of spain was worried that the indian was not as strong as the blacks and they did'nt last as long)The explotation and the exportation of human beings...the slave trade,history doesnt say too much about that side of columbus,because from what ive read up on the man,i can only conclude that he was a murderer and a theif,of the highest order,but then again columbus was not alone in his twisted thinking,many many people tried to"justify"what they were doing..."THE BUYING AND SELLING OF HUMAN BEINGS"

Once being asked by the pharises,when the kingdom of god would come,Jesus replied"the kingdom of god does not come with your careful observation,nor will people say,here it is,or there it is.Because the kingdom of god is within you...and Jesus said to them,"i tell you the truth,the tax collectors and the prostituties are entering the kingdom of god,ahead of you"...

Tell the Truth/Mos Def-immortal technique/Eminem

A human being denying the source is like the majestic eagle who thinks its wings have been clipped,he has forgotten how to fly,and now resides with the sparrows on the ground digging for worms.All a human being has to do to fly is to acknowledge his/her soul/source and fly as high as you know you can,no fear...It is with childlike innocence,adventure,and expectancy that the soul will meet with newness and miracles in everything it encounters....Giving credence to the stupifing"reality of"9 to 5...must earn a living...cringe before officialdom...dont say a word,else i'll be noticed...protect against violence protect against diseases...insure against loss...respect the law...trust no one...iam a victim,i must survive!To beocome a fully switched on"human being"is to become the "beloved"... for love is what we are,we become love!It's not so difficult to understand,blessed are the lovers for they shall...see clearly,listen closely,touch softly,feel with empathy,breath deeply and use the noise to enqire. The truth can only be"known",it is not enough just to"beleive",for seeing has never been about beleiving,seeing is about knowing! "What does it profit a man that says he has faith,and have no works,can faith save him".James,v3 ch11.

"who are they"/Jem

Knowing can only come from knowledge.Walk your talk or be silent,for there are too many false promises,witnesses,judgments and accusations...too many people who just talk the talk...Enough talk.

below is a beautiful song written by Japan members David Sylvian/Mick Karn,they did Black Water as a separate project during the early 90s

as far as i know it was the only single

Rain Tree Crow - Black Water

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Band members ......"The Human Consortium for The Continuation Of Human Beings"........ Purpose of the band ..... To construct a new vision .. To help in the-de-construction of this excuse,"THEY" call a "reality" I think the only ones who feel a little uncomfortable with my words here,are the rich and those dissillusioned with the dulistic concepts that there fed,via-tv-news papers,(its a mad,bad picture they show) it creates the - "atmosphere" - a word that describes how the majority of us see things.We are influenced,and from our daily doses of - - " Whats going down in the World," - - Does'nt it sound like a game show,but thats how most of us gain our...."sense" of whats right and wrong...

Please find time to look at these 7 short film clips,i found them so enlightening,absolutly amazing...the madness of it all is quite brilliant,go on i dare you...

This is the story of Stuff/part 1

The Story of Stuff/part 2

The story of Stuff/part 3

The story of Stuff/part 4

The story of Stuff/part 5

The story of Stuff/part 6

The story of Stuff/part 7

(Our Beloved Children)

To see the world through the eyes of, "innocent perception" "A divided man will be in two minds in all his ways!"(quote from the gospel of James) There are no opposits,only complementries,no good or bad and no wright or wrong,things,are what they are. As you see, the world will be. "So shall it be seen,so shall it become! Its not so much as re-membering yourself,..more (as you grow) about re-creating yourself. Treat the Earth well,it was not given to you by your parents...we do not inherit the Earth from our ansesters....we borrow it from our children.

native american

Blessed are the children,the bold the brave,the spiritual and the earthreal,they know that "true wisdom"has to begin with kindness! TRUTH seekers,we do have many angels at this time to help us to become masters of our own,........ "Destiny" ....... "power"......." wonder"...... Every member of our "consort",is a child at heart....It has to be that way,

Structure invests heavily in keeping the hearts of men from changing,so that prophecys will not be undone!) ...That is why the major forces which invest in prophecy,who use such quote's as,"terms and conditions",and,",subject to "status"are multinational corprate companys and they have always been.. the forces of, "STRUCTURE"! Heres some thing interesting-The Western Worlds financial institutions, (BANKS) were all founded on money made from the "SLAVE TRADE"!

There are many many people who have put a lot of time and effort to do,"whatever it takes"to reinforce life's,"status quo...( The royalists and the rich)....(Ah, not again!)...

no not again!

When his Will be done on Earth, as it is in Heaven, thy Kingdom will come and become,"the 4th Age of Middle Earth.

" Light will be given to those with eye's to see,and the Truth shall be known throughout all the nations and tribes,and free minded peoples, hallowed will be thy name, for ever and ever...Amun

not all those who wander are lost

and the crownless shall be kings amongst men...

Song of Soloman..."set me as a seal upon your heart for love is as strong as death".
An Inter-faith song/Jaima James

Ninety percent of the worlds "friction",is caused by the wrong "tone"of voice, inner sense,can only come from innocence! Follow those who are looking for the truth,run from those who have found it!........"those with eyes to see,will see...

On the morning of the 6/7/07 i text my daughter to tell her that tomorrow 7/7/07 was going to be a magical day...and indeed it was.Seeing is believing...Gary and Paula are 2 of my bestest friends in the world.

7-7-07.part 1

Be you own influence......Socrates once said,(amongst many things)-"My superiority lies in my Influence"

The Matrix is everywhere its all around us,even in this very room.You can see it when you look out the window,or when you turn on your tv set...You feel it when you go to work,when you go to church,when you pay your taxes.It is the world that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the Truth,what Truth! That You are a Slave Neo,(meaning the One,meaning all of us)Like everyone else you were born into bondage,into a prison that you cannot taste-see or touch...THE MATRIX...

The Lion of Juda

...Books as well as Music have played a large part in my life..... Ive not had many musical influences,since i was a kid of 15........../Tod Rundgrens- Utopia / Jon Andersons -Yes / Ian Andersons- Jethro Tull / Yusaf Islam(Cat Stevens/ Free / Mamady keita / Rush / World Party / Nina Simone / Gil-Scott-Heron / Mario Lanza / Earnest Ranglin / Nat King Cole / Jonn Lennon /- -to name a few...........Books,that have left an impression-inc........Johnathan Livingston Seagul+Illusions-the adventures of a reluctant messiah(R Bach) / Natural Grace(Sheldrake/Fox) / The Seven Spiritual Laws of success(D Chopra)/Jesus the man(Barbra Theiring,who has made a 30 year study"The dead sea scrolls,a lifetimes amount of work) THE GOSPEL OF THE MAGDALENE (Jean-Yves Leloup) / ROSSLYN,Guardians of the secrets of the Holy Grail / The Journey to you(R Haven) / The Celestine Prophecy(J Readfeild) / The teachings of Don Juan(Casstenada) / Food of the Gods(T Mc Kenna) / The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross(J Allegro) / Super Nature +Romeo Error(L Watson) / The Jesus Mysteries(Freke,Gandy) / The Essene Odyssey(Schonfeild) / Gaia(J Lovelock) / Keepers of the Ancient Knowledge(Wilcox) / The Way of the Shaman(M Hurner) / The Lense of perception(Bennet) / Opening up the Energy Gates+The Power of Internal Martial Arts(B K Frantzis) / The Mystery of the Crystal Skulls(C Morton,C Thomas) / Centuaries of Childhood(P Aries) / The Lies My Teacher Told me(J W Loewen) / Where on Earth are we going(J Porritt) / The Mabinogion(Penguin Classics).......Books have been a Huge influence on me,the ubove mentiond...to name but a few......My Top 5...As follows....1. Beginners Guide to CONSTRUCTING the Universe(M S Schneider) /2, The Lord of the Rings(Tolkin)4 times! /3, Secrets in the Feilds(F Silva) /4, The Prophet(K Gibran) /5, Love Without End(G Green) It's not so strange i suppose,but one of the first books i read of any prolific meaning to me was, Johnathan Livingston Seagull! Only resently a thought occured,( "Just remember Johnathan,that this reality..is but a dream,the dream is the reality")30 years later...WOW..i now understand why that book ment so much to me!..... In the adventures of Don Juan,Cassdenader tells of the"4 great challenges in life that you have to overcome,he describes them as "enemies"- 1.Fear.- 2.Clarity.- 3.Power.-4.Old Age.-(i'll let you work that one out!) But if you'd like a recomendation to read a good,)(lose yourself from it all,but not quite) book,try James Redfeild-The Celestine Prophecy,in fact buy 2 copies because when you've read it,you'll want to lend it to your-best friend,then he/she will lend it to someone else'...and,its gone! Books are wonderful...you create mental images-Shaman call that - visualising,and the younger you start "visualising"reading, the better equiped you will be for the ... "imaginings" ... Ah!!! Theres a physical world and the world of spirit,there is another coexisting, a third world ... just think about that for a while and i'll meet you there,just open your mind to the meeting place between Heaven and Earth..."remember when you were young,your eyes shone like the sun,shine on you crazy diamond...

Just a short introduction into cropcircles from previous yaers,and beautifuly put together.

The function and the prime directive of the one is to return to the source,given the fact that we are all individualy potentialy the one,the christians refer to Jesus as the one and quite rightly so...but there were many other spiritual masters around at that time.....The one symbolicaly speaking is represented by the circle,it then splits itself into whats known as a "vesica picies".The "triad" is then born,the triangle,the trinity is complete,from there the square,pentegram,and so on...until we reach all 5 of the plotonic solids,the building blocks that make up all matter.


Look i tell you and walk you must,talk to find an understanding...what is it that you seek to know,to want to know the all,is it to walk and be in wonder at the all and it's power,and then what!...I am a wanderer,and have to wonder to know the all...but the power is not in knowing the all!...The power lies in the knowing of what to do with the all....

A soul that chooses its parents has known it all since the day it was born,but being spirit it needs a body/vessel to experience the world/dimention of matter,and so we are born into the world naked and empty headed.We have to learn/remember quickly,that it is only through our daily/moment to moment life experiences that we can grow,as we are ment to grow...

The soul wounded with love for its spouce,sighs more than ever for solitude,withdrawring as far as the duties of its state permit,from all that can interupt it.the sight it has enjoyed of her so much is so deeply imprinted on his spirit that its only desire is to behold her again.The soul is now determined to take no other bridegroom than the Lord...St Teresa of Avila.

I Wander ... I Look Still For My Soul Mate, Find You I Will,For My Will To Be Complete,For Only Then Will The All Be Of Any Use...Light will shine,and by its very nature it has to "reflect"... We are Energy Beings,Light Saviours...there is only one "power"and we all have a chance to show our "quality",our own unique image of that power which is "God"
Sounds Like:

The sound has very little to do with Music,the muse is "alchemical",IT Feels!!Its fusion-The sound is, a-musing,but the music is absorbing...into your, "Soul! Many "artists" credit some invisible force that seems to take over,its actualy called the MUSE ,and the artist becomes a "vessel" for "Spirit" to enter...Most African tribes still beleive our ansestors have a large part to play in the physical world of today! So do the natives of South and north America,Aboriginals of the Turtle Islands,.... and so do i! It can trigger off the senses; Memory (past and future) - Taste - Sounds - Feelings - inner tuition - states of Bliss! Ah...bliss,...am i begining to remember...Man stumbles across the truth now and again,but he quickly picks himself up and just gets on with "it"! He seldom see's the wonder of the mundane,because he's always looking for the wonder in the mundane.....The everyday, is in everyway, "SUPER-NATURAL " If time allows please play the short film below,and my words will mean very little in comparison.And whoever is reading this right now, God Blesses all his angels,much love,Michael. xxx .......3 times THEY have tried to SILENCE me,3 times to extinguish my light,3 times They have smashed my SKULL and i will not be SILENCED...for i will not give them a 4th op-er-tun-unity- Church-vessel-OwNeR-ship-owns-bones/SKULL and CROSS-BOneS rit/all-unity.Drythen/Rudry/Lis-vaine/Liz/ards/vein/// Play on words,or is there something in it.It's,dry then...where the "end of land was,was England/ end land,en gland,ogg land,bog land.So from the hillsides in and around from where i grew up as a boy,we have had watch towers,and we've had to keep watching for the end of land people,the ogg people from the land of Bog...eng-land,for they always return.Rudry/Rudy...Say Tan,go on say/tan,cause your not white and your not black,a kind of Tan/mix/blend/saytan."BlaCk UhURU"(great band)A lyric from one of there tunes..."Satan follow the carnaval Rudy pick it up strong strong strong,3 times...strong/skull 3 times.Satan follow the carnaval Babylon pick it up strong strong strong. Zion/Lion/Iron." 2 Lions and a Lamb.Sorry Peter i will not be going for a walk with you today up Maize ies,day-seise/seize the day/Michaeil comes to mind.Be-trayal/trail,had to find/comes to my mind.Trojian horse,or maybe i will be shown from the horizon all that i can see,and that all i see will be mine.Temptation will not work and to try to silence me in the ways that you have tried i would sayit was unfit even for animal behavour...There are kinder animals on this planet,and it could still go back to the 4 Legged,Jah/ova,JAHOVA your GOD,not "The God"(Who is all seeing all believing and all knowing)Jahova the God that made this planet has no say or influence over the outcome of this world,but i do,for i am Michaeil...And i will not see any planet that contains "Self aware beings"to be assimulated into the BORG/MACIENE COLLECTIVE.Macheines will not take over this planet,this is Ja Jas baby and we are all JAhOvAS pEoPle the ChIlDeREn of JA,rastifari...Gods CHoSen/Choice/Son people are not the Jews be they white from Isreale,or black from Etheopia,you see Gods Chosen people are the Gypsies,yesa the True Rome any where,(Romanies-Romany)They break there code for no one.The EGyiptians stole the nam Gypsies,Th EGYptians...All you in the Lizard/Vine ROTARY CLUB,if by chance i dissapear ive not gone anywhere,my friends know that.My True friends know tha iam Faithful True and Strong...(and too cleaver to DIE)ive still got a bit of tidying up to do...

Time Ship Mother Earth...2013...all abord...the Chariot Of Ascension will be leaving on to a time forth density and will arrive at the dimention of Zion instantly.(dont forget your ticket...get in early and avoid the rush.)
Record Label: Our own.Gods pocket...
Type of Label: Major

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Ancient Wisdom

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Know-ledge-Inner Tuition Self realisation Spiritual Truths Re-Connection with the Past Memory

Teacher, do not try to satisfy your vanity by teaching a great deal of manny things.Tiss enough just to Awaken their curiosity,to open their minds ,not to overload them!Once you have Learn't how to as...
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