I have an Internet Radio Show Every Wednesday Night from 8-11PM at WWW.TONYTRADIO.COM Come check it out...I hate these "Tell me about yourself" things. I never know what to say. I'll try. I am married to the best woman in the world.... She ROCKS!.... We have the 2 best kids in the world.... They Rock!... You can find Tanya in my friends list... Mathew was born in 1998 and Katie in 1999.... I am an avid Ham radio operator, My call sign is AB2VB. Give me a shout sometime on the air.... Some may consider me a hacker. Call me whatever you want. If you want to call me a hacker then I'm more of a hardware hacker, what can I say, I like to tinker with stuff. I like to learn how stuff works. Me and my bro-in-law once hacked a one time use digital camera and made it re-useable. Then there are the other things that I propbaly shouldn't talk about here. Ask me in person... I love playing my guitar! I am always looking to Jam let me know if you want to... We live on a lake... we love our lake... So what else is there? You want me to talk about the POS car I drive? I don't think so...
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