There is absolutely nothing remarkable about this band. Jacks Obsession sounds like just about every other suburban emo band I've ever heard. There's the obligatory high pitched whining vocal and the drummer who plays too much and can't keep a straight beat. I dont hate the genre. In fact there have been a whole bunch of bands who do this really well. Of course I am hard pressed to remember any of their names either, because they all sound like this band, only good. I went to their myspace, because everyone has one of those nowadays, hell - even I do, and they describe their own music as sounding like rain on your wedding day. Well I am willing to take it one further; you know the feeling you get when you go to a wedding and some fat guy with a bad comb over is trying to croon "New York New York" in a drunken stupor in front of his friends and family who don't have the heart to tell him how embarassed they all are for him and how they all wish they could crawl into a hole and die, but stay and subject themselves to this inhumane torture in the interest of being polite? Well, it's kinda like that only with an emo band from Canton.
(Joel Simches)
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*if anyone wants to book us for a show please please please email us at [email protected] or message us we are looking for as many shows as we can get right now*