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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I love God and I love His Word! I am fortunate to not only have an amazing family w/ a beautiful niece named Claire, but to have been adopted by an amazing church called Guts. I believe that when you wake up each day it should begin with the words "Jesus I love you!" I am convinced you will not be able to stop there... Sometimes when I start to pray- I can't stop. I believe that every day should be the BEST day of your life, and that pressure is a good thing, because it produces character in you. I know I want to honor God with my life; I am not exactly sure what that looks like, but I know I get there by being obediant everyday... I love the Word, I love to travel, & I love to give advice. I love knowing that God sees the big picture even when I don't, and I am confident that I will never be disappointed because He is in control. I am fiercly loyal and genuinely want to see people win in life. I am very laid back about normal everyday things, but bold & opinionated only when it regards something of value. I love to drive fast, eat fabulous foods, experiance new things, and learn. I rise to a challenge with audacity and genuinely believe that I never lose! My favorite color is green. I have a bit of a maternal instinct at times, and sometimes I just want to be a kid. I'm going to change the world.- Written as a colaborative effort by: Mariah Fanj & Katie Pippin PUT YOUR ABOUT ME SECTION HERE! Changes may take up to 2 mins to show on your profile..
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My Interests

I love to travel! Music, Dancing, Art, and Theater are passions of mine- I want to learn to speak French & maybe Arabic (although I'm working on my Spanish right now- Bienvenidos espanol Guts!). I LOVE to cook- and I believe food should look as good as it tastes. I like finding hole-in-the-wall places to eat! I want to go swimming with sharks someday! I hate being cold and am not easily embarrased. I want to see an opera in Milan and every tony award winning Broadway show! I want to pay for someone other than my family to go to college, and give a car away!I love to dance and secretly wish I was a backup dancer for Janet Jackson! (jk) I love being a girl and having solid girl friends!

I'd like to meet:

DaVinci, Joan of Ark, Stephen from the Bible, C.S. Lewis, Louis Armstrong, Bill Cosby, and Rachel McAdams... PUT YOUR I'D LIKE TO MEET SECTION HERE! Changes may take up to 2 mins to show on your profileView All Friends | View Blog | Add Comment



Shawshank Redemtion, The Italian Job, Seven, Pride & Prejudice, Cinderella Man, The Notebook, Blue Streak, White Christmas, V for Vandetta, Finding Neverland, Man on Fire, Casablanca, The Game, Deceived, this list could go on...


Understanding the Power and Purpose of Woman, Undercover, Traveler's Gift, and Les Miserables...Getting ready to read Love & Respect- I'll let ya know!


The Remnants :o)

My Blog

Proverb of the Day

If you don't already- I am a huge advocate of reading and meditating on a Proverb a day... The Word says we should seek after wisdom like a precious jewel and what better way to do that than Proverbs?...
Posted by Mariah on Mon, 14 Apr 2008 06:46:00 PST

In honor of my friend Lauren

most dog-eared book :: Understanding the Power and Purpose of Woman by Dr. Myles Monroe signature scent :: Right now I wear Versace Crystal Noir, but my signature will probably always be Lolita Lempic...
Posted by Mariah on Wed, 12 Mar 2008 07:28:00 PST

trust & wait...

So I was reading today and I happened upon this amazing Word- Psalms 25:1-5 (AMP) "Unto You, O Lord, do I bring my life. O my God, I trust, lean on, rely on, and am confident in You. Let me not be pu...
Posted by Mariah on Fri, 07 Mar 2008 12:08:00 PST

Sub30- whats the big deal?

This  past week I have really been praying about Sub30, and I have come to realize just how vital it is as a part of Guts Church. It is far too easy to get lazy and take forgranted the opportunit...
Posted by Mariah on Thu, 21 Feb 2008 07:36:00 PST


There are times when I feel like I am giving all I know to give, exhausting all my energys,  and all for the right reasons, but I cannot understand why I feel tired and a bit unfulfilled- th...
Posted by Mariah on Thu, 15 Nov 2007 09:59:00 PST

You think you know already but...

..> Too long has it been since I got my preach on via the web... I realize that even if I don't read blogs often, someone will and it is my responsibility according 2 Tim. 4:2 to Preach & ...
Posted by Mariah on Fri, 19 Oct 2007 08:27:00 PST

You think you know already but...

..> Too long has it been since I got my preach on via the web... I realize that even if I don't read blogs often, someone will and it is my responsibility according 2 Tim. 4:2 to Preach & ...
Posted by Mariah on Fri, 19 Oct 2007 08:34:00 PST