I love to travel! Music, Dancing, Art, and Theater are passions of mine- I want to learn to speak French & maybe Arabic (although I'm working on my Spanish right now- Bienvenidos espanol Guts!). I LOVE to cook- and I believe food should look as good as it tastes. I like finding hole-in-the-wall places to eat! I want to go swimming with sharks someday! I hate being cold and am not easily embarrased. I want to see an opera in Milan and every tony award winning Broadway show! I want to pay for someone other than my family to go to college, and give a car away!I love to dance and secretly wish I was a backup dancer for Janet Jackson! (jk) I love being a girl and having solid girl friends!
DaVinci, Joan of Ark, Stephen from the Bible, C.S. Lewis, Louis Armstrong, Bill Cosby, and Rachel McAdams...
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Shawshank Redemtion, The Italian Job, Seven, Pride & Prejudice, Cinderella Man, The Notebook, Blue Streak, White Christmas, V for Vandetta, Finding Neverland, Man on Fire, Casablanca, The Game, Deceived, this list could go on...
Understanding the Power and Purpose of Woman, Undercover, Traveler's Gift, and Les Miserables...Getting ready to read Love & Respect- I'll let ya know!
The Remnants :o)