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About Me

In last dezember I took part on the last recordings of Sky Saxon. Here..s the promo video for the upcoming record, which will appear on Nasoni Records.
Sky..s intention to record this song was "...because people need to learn again to be wild". He was damn right!
First video from the first gig of the new founded Freakcity Band:
Old Rockn Rollers never die,
they just fade away!

Today I received the message that our friend Sky Saxon left after a long affliction. Sky was a wonderful person and one of the last Rock..n Rollers, who didn..t sold their soul to the vultures of entertainment.
To this occasion I give you the song "chant", which I recorded with Sky in last dezember in my flat during a 2 weeks long visit.
Sky, we..ll miss you wherever you are. Have a nice party in the abyss! And send my greetings to Syd! I promised you to visit you on the other side of the big lake, so it takes a little time longer...
New Song "Psycholized" out now.
Zoppo, my Hippieshit- former mate, composed this song, played some guitars on it and did the programming. I completed Psycholized via internet with some mellotron and FX.
Last year got a complete VST version of the mighty mellotron from a crazy guy, who..s well known as "The Hartz IV" in Dusseldorf. The mellotron is one of the most important inventions of mankind and I can..t understand why the weel was invented before the mellotron was?!? Because in lack of a band where I can play my bass-guitar I started to experiment with some studiosoftwares. I determined my soundcard is not the best, as you can hear in "First electronica". But it..s my first step trying to record some electronic music. Have fun!
My second song was a jam session at the Burg Herzberg Festival 2005 with Sula Bassana (Zone Six, Weltraumstaunen, etc.), DJM (Electric Orange), Ginger (Burg Herzberg Session Band) and Frank with his saz.
Incense and peppermints is an old No.1 hit from 67 original performed by the Strawberry Alarmclock. This version is performed live with my ex band Vibravoid.
Quite shitty popsong is normally called "Don..t leave me this way" and is performed with my old band "Moonshake". In the beginning we played a proggy/psychedelic Rocksound. But one day my french mate Yannick came and told us that he would go back to france. So we searched for a new guitarplayer. But the choice was hard, so we took 2 new guitarplayers. Since this moment the old Moonshake sound was dead and we played quite shitty popsongs and songs that should sound as new metal. So Frank (the drummer) and I decided to split off 8 months later. got some first video recordings from the Hippieshit 2007 Jam on Burg Herzberg Festival, yet. This is just a rough version and will be cut and mixed with better sound in near future. Puri from "Uncle Brain" on guitar:
Burg Herzberg Session 2006 - Opening Jam
Burg Herzberg Session 2006 - Blues Jam

My Interests


Member Since: 15/06/2007
Band Members: Me, myself and I.
Influences: Influences... It should be called better "whom I like ":
Ozric Tentacles
Hidria Spacefolk
Steve Hillage Band
The Sonics
Baby Woodrose
Georg Kreisler
Porcupine Tree
various krautrock bands, various not...
(the early) Softmachine
(the early) Pink Floyd
(the early) Monster Magnet
and a lot of more, that would let the page grow up to 500 mb
Record Label: Unsigned

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