Raven Voltstiev profile picture

Raven Voltstiev

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

(Please note... this is a page for an RPG "role Playing Game" I am NOT from the Ukraine. That is just where the school is based in the game.)
I am the Headmistress of Kostorn Academy for young wizards and witches. We are loated the southern mountains of the Ukraine well hidden from prying muggle eyes. We are one of the only schools that offer secondary Wizarding education. Our Dragon management and husbandry classes are the gold standard of the wizarding world. I take great pride in our school and students. Please feel free to drop by and give us a look.
Role Player survey
Which character are you? Raven Voltstiev
What school did you/ are you attending? I attended Hogwarts and I am the Headmistress of Kostorn Academy.
If Hogwarts, which house? Slytherin of course.
Are you/ have you ever been a death eater? *giggle* That is debateable.
Are you an Auror? It was offered, I said no.
Who are you related to? Vladamir V. Voltstiev founder of Ironbelly house.
Who is your best friend? Ivan Raikov.
Do you like your parents? Of course, bless their Pure Blood souls.
Have you ever seen the dark mark? Yes.
If so when? The last time Voldemort made a kill. Power is sexy!*giggle*
Do you play quidditch? I used to until Dumbledore banned me from playing.
If so, what position? Chaser... *sigh* I flew like a Dragon... and was just as mean.
Are you an animagus, metamorphagus... ect.? Animagus... My animal form is a Raven of course.
Have you ever visited/ been to Azkaban? NO, Hahahahaha! They never could pin anything on me! The Wankers!
If so, what for? *giggle, Snort, Laugh* Like I would tell.
Are you a pure blood, a half blood or a mudblood? I am a pure blood but have friends and *ahem* have had lovers that were half blood or muggle born.
Do you use the word mudblood? Well... it is not the most proper term is it? If I were angy enough maybe.
Are you in a relationship? I am courting a Powerful wizard. He is a half blood but hot, like I said power is sexy.
If so, what kind? Obsessive, stalking, worshiping.
Who is your favorite character? Severus Snape and Lord Voldemort.
Do you own a magical creature? Yes, several.
If so, what kind? A winged cat and a Thestral.
Do you know what your wand is made of? Yes.
If so, what? 13 in. Maple and Mahogany wand with Thestral Hair core.
If you saw a boggart, what would it turn into? A Member of the Ukranian Ministry of Magic telling me that Kostorn is being closed down.
Do you have a reason for this? I would love my position.
How many times do you check your myspace a month? A few, it all depends.
Do you find yourself a good roleplayer? I would like to think so.
Why? I guess because I have a good imagination.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Any members of Kostorn Academy RPG or ROR rpg, Harry Potter fans, anyone really.

My Blog

Ror... probs..

Ror is having probs obviously. Dani his having the server fix them. Once that is straightened out we should be on a new paid server of our own. Dani is going to let Kostorn use some of her surplus se...
Posted by on Tue, 18 Mar 2008 19:49:00 GMT

Quibbler Update

Considering what happened to RoR RPG... The Quibbler will be on hold indefinately. Everyone has to rebuild their characters. And to get mine to anywhere close to what it was is going to take a very lo...
Posted by on Mon, 25 Feb 2008 22:53:00 GMT

A Birthday month!

It's Dani's Birthday on the 9th. So everyone wish her a Happy Birthday! Mine is comming up on the 23rd.... who else is having a B-day this month?
Posted by on Fri, 08 Feb 2008 19:16:00 GMT

Kostorn RPG update.

Ok, for those who don't know we have moved servers yet again. We are now at : Kostorn's New Home.... for now. If we get enough donations we will move to a paid server that will increase the server pow...
Posted by on Mon, 28 Jan 2008 18:49:00 GMT


To all members of ROR RPG: Log off... and stay logged off until you get word from Tom, Talios and myself. If you insist on playing DO NOT ATTEMPT TO VK YOU WILL BECOME STUCK ON A WHITE SCREEN!!! Danie...
Posted by on Mon, 07 Jan 2008 22:07:00 GMT

The Quibbler Issue 11

(Ringing in the New Year and Partying till the break of dawn.) Staff: Managing Editor & Reporter: Zara Slytherin Senior Reporter: Veronica Salvatore Reporter: Hermie Granger Reporter & Gossip ...
Posted by on Tue, 01 Jan 2008 04:36:00 GMT

The Quibbler Issue 10 (The Christmas Issue)

The Quibbler        &nbs p;  Issue 10 (Desperately trying to avoid the Nargles in the mistletoe.) Staff: Managing Editor & Reporter: Zara Slytherin Seni...
Posted by on Thu, 29 Nov 2007 20:00:00 GMT

The Quibbler Issue 9

(Researching if you can breed a Sock monster and a Crumple Horned Snorkack.) Staff: Managing Editor & Reporter: Zara Slytherin Senior Reporter: Veronica Salvatore Reporter: Sagemaster Reporter: He...
Posted by on Sat, 27 Oct 2007 01:32:00 GMT

The Quibbler Issue8

(Sorting through the Ministry's dirty laundry& so you don't have to.) Staff: Managing Editor & Reporter: Zara Slytherin Senior Reporter: Veronica Salvatore Reporter: Sagemaster Reporter: HermioneG...
Posted by on Wed, 19 Sep 2007 23:24:00 GMT


ROR IS BACK ON!!! Welcome home everyone... Thank you Danielle... we missed you and are happy ROR is back up. Everyone please be paticent... things might act funky... Tom and I have been experiencing s...
Posted by on Tue, 10 Jul 2007 22:53:00 GMT