-*-F*Ck A (WaNt) Im A (nEeD)-*- profile picture

-*-F*Ck A (WaNt) Im A (nEeD)-*-

-*-CaLL mE GiLLeTTe CuZ iM Da BeSt A MaN CaN GeT-*-...((-i TaUghT uR BoYFriEnD DaT ThiNg U LiKe-))

About Me

I edited my profile with Thomas Myspace Editor V3.6 !
da name is Zully(pronounced zoo-lee)age & location is in da left hand corner next 2 my pic.i am colombiana!!focused on working & tryna make $$ 4 me & my family & go back to school soon..besides da hardships in my life i still manage 2 keep a beautiful smile always on my face..im da most optimistic person u'll eva meet..i love 2 dance & sing & laugh really loud especially in public places because i am dat person u kno that just doesnt give a f* what people think..i kno da type of person i am & i wont change 4 others..i kno da people who love me 4 me & thats y i keep them around..i love 2 talk on da phone,eat,act,listen 2 oldies,go 2 the city,watch movies especialy the notebook religiously,make up dances & names,stare at da cpu for hours,download music especially depressin songs that piss my friends off,change my info name on my bleep 4 times a day,shop but 4 me when i have money,& sleep!!just 2 name a few..im always out & about so its hard 2 catch me..lol..other than that there's alot more that meets da eye when it comes 2 me..alot of people kno,some should have never got a chance,but whether u get 2 see it or not im still zully from da block..lol j/p..im still me=)**R.I.P to my grandma...i love you Isa=) 2-7-1936 - 9-2-2005.. Home | Browse | Search | Invite | Film | Mail | Blog | Favorites | Forum | Groups | Events | Videos | Music | Comedy | Classifieds

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Just 2 let it be known im not up here lookin for a man.Check da status,yes i am taken=)..Besides i only accept people who i know so sorry 4 da rejected friend requests=)


i am a big fan of hip hop/rap...yes i am one of the very few girls out there that actually listen to lyrics instead of just likeing a rapper cause of the way he looks...also i love r&b alot!!...but all in all i listen to all kinds of music





MI FAMILIA!!!these are'nt heroes just people i admire:

My Blog


went to spent some quality time wit my bro today mr.thuggy thug himself and we had some guy named jon follow us..lol..here r some pics...=) and here r some pics showin off my lighter shade of hair co...
Posted by -*-F*Ck A (WaNt) Im A (nEeD)-*- on Mon, 03 Apr 2006 11:27:00 PST

4rm da BoOgiE 2 JerZz

these r some pics of saturday when we had some intruders from the bronx come down and hang out at the mall wit us..lol..mr. jay holla and Thug E. Thug..well holla's always out here so u cant really c...
Posted by -*-F*Ck A (WaNt) Im A (nEeD)-*- on Mon, 13 Feb 2006 03:17:00 PST

BoOnEz FaRm ExTraVagaNza

so appearantly the boones farm did affect my brain cells..lol..so hardly any pics were taken..and when i got there my sidekick eve was already drunk..she didnt need the boones..but that drink u had th...
Posted by -*-F*Ck A (WaNt) Im A (nEeD)-*- on Mon, 13 Feb 2006 05:02:00 PST

Eve i have a blog too!!

So EvE-licious and urs truely decided it is time we enter the world of the BLOG!!! and show em how we gets down wit it!!..its pretty sweet at the moment..we're not gonna lie...but on a couple hours if...
Posted by -*-F*Ck A (WaNt) Im A (nEeD)-*- on Sat, 11 Feb 2006 05:25:00 PST