The Reforming Incubus profile picture

The Reforming Incubus

Another End and Another Beginning

About Me

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In this life I am just a guy, like countless others in the world. Akin to that countless mass, I have faults and virtues, over which I will not go here. I am silent when the need to listen arises and speak only when I am comfortable with those who are on the receiving end of my ramblings. I am, however, not the strong-silent type. I feel, hurt, cry, and miss. This is not to say that I am tortured, on the contrary I am grateful for the painful opportunities that life bestows upon me and try (not always successfully) to learn a lesson from them. Not too long ago I was on a warpath to destroy myself, fortunatelly today I am on a road of self-acceptance and improvement. Ultimately I simply want to be happy.

Then again... what exactly is "happiness"?

If you would like to know more, feel free to browse my livejournal.

Nel folklore europeo medievale, l’Incubus è un demone maschile che giace con le donne mentre dormono. La vittima solitamente non si sveglia e pensa di stare sognando. Qualora dovesse restare incinta il bambino crescerebbe dentro di lei in modo normale, ma una volta nato dimostrerebbe facoltà soprannaturali. Di solito il bambino diventa una persona estremamente malvagia oppure un mago potente. Secondo le leggende il mago Merlino sarebbe il frutto di un’unione tra una suora e una creatura del genere. Il Succubus è la versione femminile del demone. Secondo altre leggende si tratterebbe di angeli caduti.

Te quiero como a nadie en mi vida Chiquita. Espero poder demostrártelo algun dia.

My Interests

abstract, and one, anime, articolo 31, aterciopelados, bacardi, belts, biology, boots, chemistry, city club, clothes, clubbing, comics, companionship, cuddling, dancing, desperado, drawing, dreams, drinking, el mariachi, eyes, fiction, fight club, fishnets, friends, girls, goth, guitars, gypsy kings, hair, harry potter, industrial, industrial music, italian, jaegermeister, japanese food, jurassic park, kama sutra, leather, longislands, lord of the rings, los prisioneros, love, luna, manga, martial arts, massage, making out, merengue, movies, nightmare before christmas, nine inch nails, painting, piercings, poetry, project pitchfork, psychology, pvc, reading, rock en espanol, salsa, sci-fi, science, sex, short stories, sinfest, sitting in the dark, sleeping, smoking, starship troopers, sushi, synth-pop, tae kwon do, talking, tantra, tatoos, the running man, videogames, wargaming, wolfsheim, women, writing, stargazing, walking

I'd like to meet:

Interesting people, beautiful people, intelligent people, and the social misfits. I feel most comfortable around those who chose to be who they are regardless of what people say.

Oh yeah, I would really REALLY like to meet Andrea Echeverri and the rest of Aterciopelados :)


Industrial, synth pop, electronica, 80's, disco, latin, classical, hip hop, rock en espanol, salsa, merengue, tango, easy listening, classic rock, metal, and all sorts of stuff in other languages including Japanese, Italian, and Spanish.



I love "What the 'bleep' do we know". It's a fantastic flick and everyone should watch it at least once.I enjoy comedies, some action movies, some romantic movies, and I really like foreign film (I know, what a geek). I am particularly fond of movies that make you think, or with unexpected endings.I don't have a favorite movie of all time, since I like so many, but I think that Starship Troopers 2 may very well be the worst movie ever.


I really don't watch much television. When I do it's mostly cartoons, discovery channel, history channel, biography channel, national geographic channel, sci-fi stuff, or when they show a good movie. What I do watch a lot of is Anime.
Currently I'm watching four running series:
*Eureka - SciFi Channel - Tuesdays at 9PM EST
*Avatar: The Last Airbender - Nickelodeon - Fridays at 8PM EST
*The Venture Brothers - Cartoon Network - Sundays at 11:30PM EST
*Naruto - They show the English language version on Cartoon Network on Saturdays... but normally I watch the Japanese language version with subtitles.

Other things I like to watch are historical documentaries, things about the history of the bible (I'm not religious, but when all the mystic hoo-ha has been removed, the bible is a pretty interesting book), and junk about animals (i.e. Meerkat Mansion).


Ishmael, The Road Less Traveled, Angels and Demons, The DaVinci Code, The Vorkosigan Series, Jurassic Park, Lost World, Anything by Dean Koontz, Anything by Lois McMaster Bujold, The Shanara Series, Lord of the Rings, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Middlesex, Trickster, Memoires of a Geisha, Paladin of Souls, The Spirit Ring, The Curse of Chalion Anything by Stephen King, and many many many many more that I can't think of.


I admire way too many people to mention here.

My Blog


The time has come to use our voices. To cease the silence which has allowed FARC to survive. To make sure that every leader in the world, every guerrilla, hears us when we say: We reject and condemn F...
Posted by The Reforming Incubus on Thu, 31 Jan 2008 07:49:00 PST

Prayers and Rememberances

(Copied and Pasted from my Livejournal) I remember that I had just came in to work at the Sushibar on that particular September 11 that has made this date one of the saddest in American History. I rem...
Posted by The Reforming Incubus on Tue, 11 Sep 2007 09:12:00 PST

Dramatis Personae

"But on this most auspicious of nights permit me then, in lieu of the more commonplace sobriquet to suggest the character of this dramatis persona. Voila! In view, a humble vaudvillian veteran cast vi...
Posted by The Reforming Incubus on Fri, 15 Dec 2006 12:47:00 PST

Is it a lie?

Is it a lie?  Are those feelings that we name love a lie?There is no doubt that we experience something that we call love.But is it love?What exactly is love?Is love that feeling of warmth at the...
Posted by The Reforming Incubus on Mon, 11 Dec 2006 02:12:00 PST

The Devil Beneath My Skin

The devil beneath my skin.I can sense you there, lurking. Waiting for the moment when you can surface. I can feel you every single moment, your face right behind my face, your hands right under t...
Posted by The Reforming Incubus on Thu, 07 Dec 2006 11:20:00 PST

Citizen D

Yup, today is my oath ceremony!  After that I'll be a full fledged American Citizen! WOOT!! Wish me luck! -D
Posted by The Reforming Incubus on Mon, 13 Nov 2006 04:42:00 PST

Pretty Demon in a Skirt (Poem)

You are a memory in the mist, Another name upon her list. A fading phantom in the night, A discarded burnt out light.   You had served your purpose well, Now your time has come to dwell Upon days...
Posted by The Reforming Incubus on Thu, 02 Nov 2006 05:03:00 PST

New Icon

I have decided to change my icon to reflect more closely how I feel most of the time lately. It's a little sad to go around feeling broken all the time, but such is life. In any case, tell me wha...
Posted by The Reforming Incubus on Mon, 07 Nov 2005 04:57:00 PST

Halloween's come and go, but stupidity is forever.

Hello ladies and gents. It has been quite a bit since I last updated this.  Nothing much that is noteworthy, or actually worth anything at all, has happend in my life as of late. I continue to wa...
Posted by The Reforming Incubus on Mon, 31 Oct 2005 03:27:00 PST

Sorry for the hiatus

Life's been busy lately. I'm back in school and I'm studying hard... which has complicated things.  First, I can only work part time now... second, it's made my time extremelly limited.... third....
Posted by The Reforming Incubus on Wed, 12 Oct 2005 08:17:00 PST