I am a person of many ideas and feelings; I can be very opinionated if the situation strikes something in me. For several years I have had a deep interest in music, partaking in many activities such as playing guitar and singing whenever I can get the chance. Another interest of mine, which has been postponed for a while, is writing; I am in the process of writing a book but needing to handle a few logistics issues to finally finish the process. There are some important people in my life and while there are very few of them, it is because I cherish them with everything I have. They are not easily replaced, nor easily found. East Korea and Zarena are just two that cannot go without mention. I adore both of you - both of you are like my own blood.
For just over two years now, I have been in a relationship with a man who, on a daily basis, I learn to appreciate and love more and more. I enjoy every moment that I spend with him, even if some of those moments are bad; every second has been amazing, and I would not change it for the world. I am a very lucky woman to have you. I love you.