"There's nothing trashy about romance. In romance is passion. There's imagination. There's beauty. Besides, you find... some wonderful things in the trash." ~Photography ~Moon Walks ~Wave Watching ~Random Moments In Time ~Showers/Baths ~The Sound Of Rain ~Thunder And Lightning ~Many A Splended Things
NOBODY WORTH WANTING TO MEET"I dont believe that God made man in his image. Cuz most of the shit that happens comes from man. No, I think man was made in the Devils image. And women were created out of God. Cuz after all, women can have babies, which is kind of like creating. And which also accounts for the fact that women are so attracted to men.. cuz let's face it.. the Devil is a hell of a lot more interesting!......"
Anne Napolitano- "The Fisher King"
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~From Frank Sinatra To Pepper"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate,it is that we are powerful beyond measure.It is our light,not our darkness,that most frightens us.We ask ourselves,who am I to be brilliant,gorgeous,talented and fabulous?Actually,who are you not to be?"
FIGURE IT OUT!! ~Monster Squad ~School Of Life ~Waiting ~Boondock Saints ~Monster House ~The Fisher King ect..."I went into the woods because I wanted to live deliberately. I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life... to put to rout all that was not life; and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived." ~Thoreau
I DON'T WATCH TV TO MUCH ANYMORE.... ~Scrubs ~Still Standing ~Psych ~Family Guy
I AM TO LAZY AND UNINSPIRED TO READ.... ~Fahrenheit 451 ~Native Son ~Black Boy ~The Catcher in The Rye
I AM MY OWN HERO!!!! ~I'm Not Going To Try And Live Up To Anyone Else's Standards Or Try And Live Their Dreams.... Im Going To Live Up To My Own Standards And Live My Own Dreams!