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heyy!! my name is Katrina otherwise known as Gigante, gigga, giggy (haha), smokey, Geblonski, hurricane, giggaboo, and prolly a few other nicknames i picked up in random places. i have some issues, but am properly medicated lol! i am very grateful for the things i have and could never imagine being without my friends and family, the ppl who make my life worth it each and every day.i used to live in Massachusetts (Clinton) the smallest piece of shit town imaginable..but now i moved to Newport News, VA (i miss my bitchess) Don't know what else to say about myself besides a few things...
i start my days by sluggin a pot of beautiful coffee every morning( i fucking love it!!) I HATE the cold, my hair is a curly mess and occasionally i straighten it out but then it goes to waste when it rains = /, I think laughter is the best medicine!!...So, i might laugh at a wicked fucked up situation, but i think it's better to deal that way, and easier when u don't take urself too seriously. I absolutely hate ppl with no sense of humor! I try my best to stay away from any drama that comes around. ...All it is, is one big headache that i don't wanna deal with, which is prolly why i don't like to hold grudges i usually just let things go...i either like u or i don't, there isn't too much in between. (unless ur a special case)..I just wanna sit and relax with wine, day and night = ). People make mistakes and for the most part i accept that. I hate spoiled brats who don't do shit and have everything (i am just jealous),i could ramble on and on but i am starting to bore myself, and i think it's def time to smoke a cigarette!AIM S/N: GIGANTEK17"Excuse my french, emotion, and my passion...but i wear my heart on my sleeve, like it's the new fashion."
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