About Me
Micah Atwell mixes nostalgic, brooding, ambient soundscapes with edgy, organic rock influence to define a new dimension of electronic guitar. His unique blend of emotive minimalist complexity is constantly making new impressions with listeners from all backgrounds and preferences.
Raised between bustling southern California and rural, spacious Kansas, Micah developed a dichotomous affinity for time and rhythm. At age 16, he began teaching himself guitar and spent his formative years writing blues-based hard rock instrumentals. Over time, he shifted his evolving sound and style towards the more experimental electronic and ambient genres. This has allowed him to tap into a much greater list of influences, technical experience, and creative freedom.
Micah produced and self-released his 2008 debut album, Temple of Unmanifest Dreams, an emotionally charged and meditative ambient/electronic guitar odyssey geared for audiences of such popular radio programs as the nationally syndicated Hearts of Space and similar regional broadcasts. This haunting, meditative compilation is an astounding testament to what a guitar can convey, and it continues to receive sweeping reviews at every turn.
Micah Atwell has received numerous positive critiques from legendary guitarist George Lynch and in 2008 secured a Top 40 ranking in the industry-sponsored international Guitar Idol competition. He has also scored music for video and animation and is active with artists in the US and UK, co-writing and co-producing some very eclectic compositions.
Micah uses Warmoth and Dean guitars, Line6 processors, and Yamaha keyboards.
You can read more about Micah Atwell, his gear, download and purchase music, and much more at his official website, MicahAtwell.com , or view his press kit at AirplayDirect.com/MicahAtwell
Your support, comments, and listens are always deeply appreciated, thank you!
"I've always loved listening to Micah's compositions because they're always so musically interesting. He has a lot of content and his soloing is never overkill. ... He shows a lot of room for growth and potential and has direction in his approach."
-- George Lynch (Dokken/Lynch Mob), George Lynch Guitar Dojo
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Master Audio Player
Way more music here than what I can add above! Spam-free, too :)
Sorry, the download feature doesn't seem to work on MySpace. Instead, just go to http://www.micahatwell.com/music and use the player there to download songs :)
My Blog
Keep Me In Your Heart
You can hear the track on my player, lyrics are below. Enjoy!Keep Me In Your Heart -- ©2009, Micah AtwellThis cold, rainy morning,You'll wake to find my note.Left it where I lie warmBeside you an hour...
Posted by on Fri, 10 Jul 2009 19:22:00 GMT
Until I See You Again
You can hear the track on my player, lyrics are below. This is the first song (not instrumental) I've released since 2005, and my first full Sonar project. Until I see You Again speaks to the possibil...
Posted by on Mon, 29 Jun 2009 16:59:00 GMT
Temple Now Available at CD Baby!
I'm happy to announce that my debut album, Temple of Unmanifest Dreams, is now available on CD at CDBaby.com! Digital distribution (MP3s) are currently awaiting activation but should become availabl...
Posted by on Wed, 15 Apr 2009 13:26:00 GMT
3 New Vids! Behind The Scenes/In the Studio W/Project Orange
These are not "new" new but will be new to most of you. Covered are 2 Improv sessions and 1 writing session. Hope you enjoy them!For more info on Project Orange, simply visit:http://www.micahatwell.co...
Posted by on Thu, 09 Apr 2009 10:55:00 GMT
http://www.futureprimal.comMy newest site, launching this spring! Also, stay tuned for a new MicahAtwell.com.:)
Posted by on Tue, 10 Mar 2009 03:23:00 GMT
New Music and Master Audio Player Upgrades
I made several upgrades to my embedded master audio player (not the MySpace player, the one below it) and have added 2 more playlists and a ton of additional tracks. Here's what's new...Audio Player ...
Posted by on Sat, 17 Jan 2009 17:15:00 GMT
"Temple of Unmanifest Dreams, Micah Atwell's 2008 debut album, is an ambient/electronic guitar odyssey like no other. From incense-saturated Buddhist temples to treks though the natural world and out ...
Posted by on Tue, 01 Jul 2008 15:11:00 GMT
For my father
Dear friends,I just learned this evening that my father has been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. I don't know much more than that right now but it would mean the world to me if you would send him so...
Posted by on Wed, 28 May 2008 20:45:00 GMT
Sneak Peek at the Upcoming Album!
I have just uploaded 3 preview clips from my upcoming Temple of Unmanifest Dreams album. These are not on my MySpace Music Player, though. To listen, please scroll down my profile to the "About Micah ...
Posted by on Thu, 01 May 2008 11:20:00 GMT
Album Update!
Hey everybody, just wanted to pop in with an update on the forthcoming Unmanifest debut album. I've been very much at work on it this month.But first, I'd like to give a big thank you to everyone who ...
Posted by on Tue, 22 Apr 2008 12:42:00 GMT