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Understanding Apples Series

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Hello everyone.
Understanding Apples by JS Moore is now in hardback or softcover for purchase worldwide. It is officially in print. It is available for purchase through Amazon.com, Barnes and Noble, Ingram, Baker & Taylor, Books-in-Print, and elsewhere. I will be personalizing/autographing any order placed through Paypal or snailmail.
Paypal ID is: [email protected]
Please ensure to include your shipping address and any other pertinent information (example: if this book is a gift, who it is for).
The price of a softcover in bookstores and online will be 13.95 or up.
The price of a hardback is 22.95.
Method of payment accepted is: Paypal (credit cards accepted), Money Order, or Check. Do not send cash!
Thanks, JS Moore
From any journey - whether geographic or imaginative, the most important keepsake is the reminder that people's lives are fortified by family and friends; by our ability to create our lives like creating a piece of poetry or beginning the chapter of a novel. There is and should always be a great and cherished appreciation for life itself and the priceless importance of our connections to one another.
JS Moore

My Interests


Member Since: 14/06/2007
Band Website: www.understandingapples.com
Band Members:

Influences: This book is dedicated to the residents, past and present, of The Long Island of the Holston River. It is dedicated to Art Salyer, Helen Blalock, Violet Jones, Verlin Caudill, the Rodefer family and to the memory of Hoyt Bowen, Paul Dykes, H.O. Williams, Harry B. Cleek and his brothers Buck, Zeke,Boot, and Bill. May their stories never be forgotten.*** italics / italics represent contributing authors for this book.
Record Label: Outskirts Press
Type of Label: Indie

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