I'm a Blessed handmaiden of the Most High God!!!
I was born Blessed!!!
Hello my name is Lois,
I am the the mother of 7 beautiful children, all bound for greatness (I claim it in the name of Jesus!!!).
I used to be a lot of things, if I had to name them, it be simpler just to say that I was the chiefest of Sinners.
But, one day, someone was sent my way who had a Light shining soooooo brightly, I almost had to cover my eyes. This Light was soooo bright, it overtook my darkness.
Like a moth to a flame, I was drawn to this Light, her name was Lunye'. Lunye's walk with Christ first caused me to be curious, then it caused me to desire to have this Light for myself. Next, it caused me to seek out This Light, and I found it on November 24th 2002!!! Oh what a change had come over me, I was no longer the chiefest of sinners, because I was SAVED by The BLOOD of The LAMB Who
washes white as snow. He forgave me for anything and everything that I had ever done; He called me righteous, and made me one of His own; I am now a King's kid!!!
I am forever grateful to that Lightbearer/Lightsharer, Lunye' for introducing me to The True Source of my Strength, Love, Joy, Peace, Longsuffering, Faith(I'm still working on the other fruit!!!), Mercy, Grace, and Freedom!!!
Just in case you missed it, my Source is none other than JESUS, The SON of The TRUE and LIVING GOD!!! I am sooooo Blessed!!!
Marvin Sapp - The Best In Me