Life O'Reilly profile picture

Life O'Reilly

About Me

The band has been in existance since the late ninties, its members at one time or another, have also palyed with the Runt O The Litter - that well season'd and well travelled folk band from SW Scotland!! However, the Runt sadly is no longer playing as a unit, but hey ho!Anyway - the Life still goes on, plyaing most Sat nights at the Crown Hotel in Portpatrick, and this is a great place to play music, Portpatrick has a wonderful annual folk festival usually the first weekend in September. Although the band mainly consists of 'the four', we often have friends come and Join in, Steve Dowling, Harry Harbottle, Breagle, to name but a few, and of course our sound man - Marc Sheehan. check out our videos and join in the fun!The Life plays here there and everywhere, basically if someone wants us to go........anyway, see you on Sat Night at the Crown! ..

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My Interests


Member Since: 6/14/2007
Band Members: Colin Modrate - Bagpipes, Whistles, Guitar, Vocals. Alan Brown - Guitar, Vocals. Matt Hose - Fiddle. Mandy Green - Guitar, Bodhran, Vocals
Influences: GOD, where do you start, we play such a wide variety - from traditional folk, celtic tunes, Irish/Scottish, country, blues, rock.........we all have different influences from all genres. However I think it would be right to say that perhaps its been playing with other fellow musicians throughout the years that has probably given us more inspiration.
Sounds Like:
Record Label: Distilled Records
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Portpatrick Rocks!!

 Well now, what can I say except our wee band is exhausted!!  Pleasantly though!  Its been quite a few months, as some may know, Alan's daugter Amanda got married in August and we all had parts to pla...
Posted by on Wed, 09 Sep 2009 02:23:00 GMT

Dragnedal Folk Fest 09

.... ....Well its taken a few weeks to get around bloggin about this trip&..been so busy, so this is going to be a brief synopsis! Drangedal, and its residents are just brilliant, once again we were ...
Posted by on Mon, 20 Jul 2009 03:57:00 GMT

Matt is 70!!

Well oor fiddler Matt Hose reached the age of 70 last Saturday, and we had a few surprises for him as we played at the Crown, firstly, he walked in to balloons and of course the mandatory 'Happy 70th'...
Posted by on Tue, 14 Apr 2009 05:15:00 GMT

Videos & Matt

Well the busy season seems to have started already, not that we have many quiet Saturday nights at the crown, but last night was packed would think it was the middle of summer, not the we...
Posted by on Sun, 05 Apr 2009 03:20:00 GMT


Well, what a weekend, totally exhausted , vocal chords strained, and everything else is either aching or just plain worn out!  We started Friday night with a gig for a frends retiral, then straig...
Posted by on Mon, 24 Nov 2008 05:34:00 GMT

A Farewell to Simon

Well, we took part in the tribute concert for Simon Dick, and I must say it was a very emotional night.  There was a tremendous turnout and lots of money was raised for charity.  The music w...
Posted by on Wed, 19 Nov 2008 11:56:00 GMT

Sad & Happy

Well we have just returned from the first ever Guiness North Coast folk Festival, held in Portrush & Portstewart, NI.  and it was a lovely weekend, the organisers were very hospitable providi...
Posted by on Tue, 04 Nov 2008 14:23:00 GMT

Happy New Year

Well, here it is, 2008, time really does fly, in fact we have a little bit naughty and haven't updated our profile for ages , slap on wrist!!  So what does the new year have in store, well I supp...
Posted by on Thu, 03 Jan 2008 08:18:00 GMT


Well, 'The Life' returns from its first tour overseas - Drangedal, in Norway to be precise, our first gig being at the Culture Club - this went down pretty well, the Norwegians appear to love Irish/Sc...
Posted by on Thu, 27 Sep 2007 10:48:00 GMT

Life Goes On

Well, hello, this is our first crack at myspace, it seems everyone is doing it - so why not us???  I will later add some songs and some photo's but can only manage one two things at a time. ...
Posted by on Thu, 14 Jun 2007 15:33:00 GMT