I love to dance!!! whether it be in dance class, on a dance floor, or in sonia's room bustin some 80's dance moves with the girliesThe newest member of our family!! hannahThe hottest DR I knowI heart herStrike a pose
Work like you don't need the money, love like you've never been hurt and dance like no one is watching.
"Good friends are hard to find, harder to leave,
and impossible to forget"
When life gives you a hundred reasons to cry,
show life that you have a thousand reasons to smile.
Never give up on something
that you can't go a day without thinking about.
Never be afraid to try, remember...
Amateurs built the ark Professionals built the Titanic
"Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind."
I LOVe meeting new people! Being outgoing has given me the opportunity to meet some pretty cool individuals!! I have never been one to judge or critisize and I hate it when other people do. Especially if they dont even know the person they are judging. If you are willing to get to know me, the leaste I can do is return the favor. I really dislike people who are cocky, I believe that the one's who think they are better than everyone else (cocky) are the one's with the most insecurities. I also dont understand why people feel that they have to prove themselve to everyone else, I am my own person and if you dont like who I am or how I look then you can just turn your head and walk away.Random:We are given our own life for a reason, so why do people insist on liveing someone elses? Poeple come and go but the one's that come and stay are the one's that are you true friends.I would also like to meet Jack Johnson, DANE COOK, METALLICA, brandon boyd, angelina joli, ryan guettler, jim carry, Imogen Heap, The Kings, GIants, and did I mention JACK JOHNSON.
I like just about every genre of music out there. If you saw my music collection you would probably laugh at the diversity. I've also so come to realize that I LOVE 80's hair bands...dont ask me whyMetallica is one of my all time favorite bands!
Metallica - The Unforgiven II
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I am not picky when it comes to movies, though it is exrememly hard for me to sit through any horror movie with out jumping or screaming. I will admit that on occasions I will throw on one of the many great disney movies.
I tend to watch t.v. more often when Its really late and there isnt anything else to do...I love watching FUSE, Greys Anatomy, rob and big, and other random stuff
Almost every book writen by Nicolas Sparks, and lisa Klaypas. I've also read: My Sisters Keeper, Skinny Dip, Where The Heart Is, and many more.....
My heroes are the people that have inspired me throughout the years, and who continue to do so today. My family, my friends, all of my dance instructors, anyone who I have ever performed to and with, Our amazing troops and many more...