Ghosthunter profile picture


About Me

Ghosthunter is a straightforward band that prides itself in having a no-nonsense approach to heavy rock music. The band's compositions are considered to be truly original. They are not trying to reinvent the wheel; instead, they delve deep into the catacombs of modern music and interject sounds of various influence into their songs. Their live performances showcase a solid delivery that will leave you wanting more. Audience members have been known to find themselves the next morning in a pool of their own blood and piss.The lineup of Ghosthunter is what makes it all work so perfectly. Sam of Thunder (Revision, Driven to Oblivion, Thought out Thought, The Slutfuckers) puts forth a thrashing of thumping power through an unorthodox raspy blue vinyl bass box. Digy Biscuits (WD-40, Plastic Jesus, Happy Church Dinner, Dead Earth, Organ Bank) destroys his drum kit each time he sits behind it, often putting his own body and mental well being on the line. Kevin St.Onge (The Dinks, Kickface, Civil Disorder) offers up guitar riffs that will make you think about pulling out your old punk records for a major resurgence. This chasm of sound is topped off with the vocal bellowing of Jason St.Onge (Last Call, Ripcord Riley, Taming the Shrew, Sometimes it Burns). His vocal performance seems more like an unrelenting attack.Amid all the torture and S&M, these guys still seem to come off as a group of fun loving individuals. If you have a chance to see them live, I strongly recommend you make arrangements to do so.-Gene Simmons (Wicked Lester, Kiss)get your own layout here. *click here* for new layouts!

My Interests


Member Since: 14/06/2007
Band Members: Jason St.Onge

Kevin St.Onge

Sam of Thunder

Digy Biscuits

Influences: Black Flag, Neurosis, Monster Magnet, The Melvins, Today is the Day, Man is the Bastard, Disrupt, Minor Threat, Deadguy, Fugazi, Frank Zappa, Black Francis, Mr. Bungle, Danzig, Sonic Youth, Iron Maiden, Mudhoney, Faith No More, Misfits, Andrew Kott
Sounds Like: Do you smell jet fuel? Me too. Buckle up and brace yourself for G-forces — Ghosthunter is our MC5, and they'll make you shriek and smile and maybe bang your head against some hard object. On first listen, I raised my arms and thrashed the air: Rawwwwwwk! Fuckkkkkk! The mix (by Billy Anderson) brings the guitar (by Kevin St. Onge) and drums (by Digy Biscuits) way up front, and they hurtle down the runway at exhilarating speed as Sam of Thunder's bass pounds and pivots underneath. Jason St. Onge's vocal – " I feel good, I ain't complaining! It's good to be left behind, ohhhhh!" – is a choked, vigorous proclamation, a valiant attempt to make a human voice heard above the din on the asphalt.David Pence thebollard.com______________________________________________ ______You know how some people complain that they can’t hear the lyrics when band plays? This CD will have you complaining that you can hear the lyrics. The words to most of these songs are laughably bad; so much so that I thought this band is a spoof, a la Trey Parker/South Park. Then I realized that Ghosthunter is from Maine and it all started to make sense. If you like your metal/bar band silly, mindless and rockin’, grab a 40 and go for it. I couldn’t stop laughing long enough to hit the stop button. No really, I need to eject this before I sprain something. (Joel Simches) The Noise Rock Around Boston_____________Ghosthunter offers a brand of punk-ish metal that'll sear your ears and make your feet start - at least - tapping along. Maggie Gill-Austern Sunjournal.com______________________________________________ __GhostHunter ~ April 6, 2008
.. Left Hand Black - Nov. 1, 2008
Ghosthunter ~ November 15, 2008

Record Label: The Entertainment Expirement
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

The return of Ghosthunter

We are finally ready to play shows again after a 6 month hiatus.  We have put together some new material so we hope to see all of you out at our at one of our upcoming shows!Our official first show is...
Posted by on Sun, 12 Apr 2009 09:35:00 GMT

What's new with Ghosthunter?

.... I just wanted to take an opportunity to update anyone who's interested on the current affairs of Ghosthunter.  Well, Eric just had a brand ne...
Posted by on Tue, 20 Jan 2009 19:43:00 GMT

November 1st will be a night to remember!

We are very excited to play at Geno's first ever "Tap into Portland".  Ghosthunter is on the bill with a variety of other fantastic bands celebrating the songs of Spinal Tap.  And as a spe...
Posted by on Mon, 20 Oct 2008 18:19:00 GMT

Radness,tunes and future tuneage

We want to thank everyone who came out to the show Friday with Sean and Conifer.   I think everyone in attendance was just fucking blown away by those two bands!  I know we were. I...
Posted by on Mon, 15 Sep 2008 20:07:00 GMT

The excitement is brewing...

We are proud and humbled to have been asked to play at this monumental event; the final Covered in Bees show before their hiatus.  Ladies and gentlemen, I hope you are aware of CIB's contribution...
Posted by on Fri, 01 Aug 2008 19:42:00 GMT

Click here for the love of a lifetime...

Posted by on Thu, 24 Jul 2008 18:38:00 GMT

New recording completed / New songs posted!!

We just finished recording some new material for an upcoming release!  Stay tuned for more details on how you can get this in your hands.  We posted two songs that will be featured called "S...
Posted by on Sun, 20 Jul 2008 20:52:00 GMT

Virgin Sacrifice this Saturday live @ Pub 33

Ghosthunter, By Blood Alone and Pigboat will be there to play music.  There will be three virgins in the running.  Come be a part of the show and cast your vote on who will be sacrificed!!
Posted by on Thu, 10 Jul 2008 19:49:00 GMT

Ghosthunter show ends badly

This past Friday night, Ghosthunter played a show at a party in Greene, Maine.  The host will remain anonymous due to pending court hearings.  The show started off great with a solid deliver...
Posted by on Mon, 30 Jun 2008 20:07:00 GMT

Ghosthunter featured in Lewiston Sun Journal!

Please check out the article featuring references to local bands and some info on Lewiston's own Ghosthunter! n/Face_Time_Ghosthunter/
Posted by on Mon, 23 Jun 2008 20:07:00 GMT