TARA FUKI - "Auris" profile picture

TARA FUKI - "Auris"

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Auris awarded - Czech music Awards 2007
We visited Annual Czech music Awards - Angel 2007 and our album Auris awarded like the Best world music album 2007. We took home very nice and heavy statuette with pleasure. :))
Tara Fuki cello duet’s remarkable achievement
Tara Fuki are the first musicians from the Czech Republic to play at Womex 2007 (www.womex.com), the most important world music trade fare worldwide, taking place in Sevilla, Spain, in October. Tara Fuki, who released their third album this year, called Auris, were among the forty performers chosen by an expert jury from more than 600 other artists from around the world registered for Womex.
Other artists chosen by the jury were for instance Bajofondo Tangoclub, who played at this year’s Colours of Ostrava festival (the best Czech Worldmusic festival) and Ensemble "Altai Kai", who could be heard and seen together with Hradi----an in their project Chv--ní, composed by Jiri Pavlica. (Record of this project is expected to come out sometime in September). The Czech Republic was represented in the expert jury of the "Seven Samurais" as well by Peter Doruzka , a well-known Czech world music critic (world.freemusic.cz). So he can explain us why it was Tara Fuki who succeeded and not any Moravian dulcimer band or other band form the Czech Republic playing folk music.
"Tara Fuki is a totally unique formation as for sound and approach. None of the other six candidates matched them in any way. The jury valued especially the concept of adventure in their music. I hope that their achievement will help to pave the way in the world also for other Czech bands, such as Gipsy.cz and --anki--ou whose odds with my samurai colleagues were also good."
Womex (World Music Expo) conference and trade fair is a prestigious event visited by two and a half thousand accredited delegates of the music world. It is not accessible for the public. To play at this fair means to play in front of critics, organizers of concerts and festivals, representatives of labels from all over the world. "Representatives of hundreds of small independent record labels, specialized periodicals, festival promoters and of course musicians have a chance to introduce themselves during the three days of the trade fair. While the FIBES congress centre is reserved for business purposes and lectures during the day, in the evenings it is possible to watch concerts of musicians from every corner of the world, carefully selected by the jury of the “Seven Samurais” and representing present-day modern nature as well as lasting tradition. For Czech musicians WOMEX is a perfect opportunity to meet the prominent and important people of the world music scene. You can attend conferences on topical music and social themes, see unique documentaries, visit press conferences, meet anybody whose music you dreamed of in the warmth of your home so far," as Jiri Moravcik, a music critic and a participant at the last year’s Womex, writes at www.world-music.cz.
Tara Fuki
Andrea Konstankiewicz — violoncello, vocals
Dorota Barova — violoncello, vocals
Music from spider fi bers of the dream land quietly unweaves the melancholic eros of the landscape… in it it uncovers soothing voices . Both violoncellists have been keen on music since their childhood (conservatory, studying musicology, different musical projects), but only when they met in Brno in the year of 2000 duo Tara Fuki could be born.
Tara Fuki music is absolutely racy and unique (it is based on common improvisations which are then continually elaborated), delicately dynamic and rich in its expression. Enriched by refl ections of different musical styles with the fl avor of distant lands, it creates an original kaleidoscope of the feminine inner world. Since its creation Tara Fuki have been successful all over Europe (Czech Republic, France, Germany, Italy, Austria, Sweden, Poland, Slovakia, Russia, Ukraine, Yugoslavia, Rumania, Holand, UK and other countries) and Central America. In 2001 Tara Fuki was awarded by the Czech Academy of Music in two the categories “Alternative Music” and “Newcomer of the year”.
New album Auris
( Indies Scope Records - MAM400-9 - EAN 8595026640023)
Sound magicians with violoncellos, Tara Fuki duo, recorded the third album and named it “Auris” (from Latin, meaning an “ear”, but also to hear and listen carefully). Their previous albums met with great success both domestic and international and brought Tara Fuki to the top of the Czech alternative scene.
This time, Tara Fuki with the contribution of invited guests offer their listeners an exceptional music tidbit. Contrary to the previous recordings, Auris is emotionally richer and deeper, livelier and with sound that is unique on the Czech musical scene. In ten compositions, the listener is captured by the lightness with which Tara Fuki incorporate their cellos into the gurgling potion of tones let out by mysterious instruments such as Swiss hangs, Indian tabla, Pakistani kanjira and with which it engagingly caresses instruments almost classical (piano, guitar and bass clarinet). The enormous power of artistic expression of Tara Fuki dwells in their utterly natural vocal spontaneity and perfect coordination based on mutual complementation. Dorota’s mighty and velvet dark alto underlined by Andrea’s frail soprano gives origin to unique hues and nuances. Polish lyrics (mainly written by D. Barová) inspired by personal relationships and intimate conversations between two people, present a powerful testimony. With the help of precisely cut crystal clear music they enable a multiple view of dark recesses of the kaleidoscope of the human soul. The overall sound of Tara Fuki has been extended with new instruments and also with a whole range of means of expression, and thus we are accompanied through the music waterfall by bewitching incantation whisper and lyrical jazz ballad to earthy ecstatic trance, in order to eventually hear two naked voices highlighted.
The songs originated gradually on travels, during breaks between concerts, and they were most intensely worked on during the heat of last summer; they were recorded before the end of the year in the Prague studio of Petr Pinos. The producer and sound director is Ale-- Hyvnar (Al-Yaman), who discreetly wrapped the remarkable music world of Tara Fuki in the spices of a very contemporary dimension. The preparation of the new album took longer this time that it was with the previous ones due to the fact that Andrea Konstankiewicz has moved to France for good. Andrea answers the question whether Tara Fuki is happier to give concerts in this country or abroad: “The most beautiful concerts are in places where we manage to create a special atmosphere. When the air suddenly thickens and time stops in one magic moment: this happens when the audiences start to breathe with us or they suddenly hold their breath.”
The song “Lej, lej” has been provided with a video clip, recorded by Marta Svobodová, the front woman of Budoár Staré Dámy band.

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Member Since: 14/06/2007
Band Website: www.tarafuki.eu
Band Members: Check out this video: Tara Fuki - Lej Lej

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Record Label: Indies Scope Records - www.indies.eu
Type of Label: Indie

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