Howdy, I'm Nick. It's spelt N I C K but it's pronounced 'Jesus'.
All you need to know is I am awesome. It's scientifically proven. I'm even on Wikipedia. I've been known to wear a watch occasionally, be it: broken, working, 3 king kong watches that I got out of fruit loop boxes all at the same time, you name it.
I spend a vast majority of my time playing my guitars. Even to the point of being unable to play any more due to my fingers being too sore. But I keep playing anyway so I'm constantly in a state of finger pain.
My mates are freaking awesome. They have to be for me to consider them friends, so if you're in my friends then consider yourself awesome. Or just lucky that I'm too lazy to find and delete you..
I wear boxers with monkeys on them.
Oh and Jeff, wake the fuck up!!
If you want to know more, then you know too much already..
..Or you're just really curious in which case you can add my msn: [email protected] though you'll probably never SEE me online. (Shifty eyes)
Oh and umm... Kaitie is freakin sweet and ahh.. I love her like a sister and I also love poo...
Happy now!?
P.S. Someone give me a freakin' job!!! Or at least someone give me alot of money. Repeatedly. ...For the rest of my life.
P.P.S. If editing it this time doesn't work, I'm gonna cry and throw a tissue at the wall...
And now for a whole bunch of random funny shit. - Free IQ Test
Yeah bitches!
I've decided I want a cash cow.
Demetri Martin FTW!
Cyanide & Happiness @
lol ^
this man is god