I sing.amazingly.
I'm loud and obnoxious.
My hair is always different.
I support gay marriage.
I will tell you the truth no matter what.
I hate being on my period.
I run with scissors.
I hate people who lie.
I hate people who think they are all that and a beg of chips(they are not:D)
I don't have many friends but the ones i have are the best in the whole world;
IZZYPOP:3(my lover)
what can i say about her but...ALOT, she is my best friend in the whole wind world.and knows me so well. shes short yet she can kick your butt :3. we hold hands in the hall ways of the school,and after lunch we go down this long hallway that on one every goes in so we has it all for your self's; we spin down it:3...haha i hit the wall today:3
Morgan:D(bff jill!)
she is my jill and i loves her so! im like the only one that could make her get into a pool on a cold her underwear :).SEXY.
i has know him for about 2 years now.and he has gotten a lil taller since thin:).but i still kick his but at being taller.:(but he can run like no other(faster thin me)
he is the singer of this amazingful band."Sporadic Downfall". you should go check it out:)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Layout by CoolChaser