Unknown, paranormal, extraordinary, unique. Theatre, Music, Couture (to a degree), film, photography... more TBA
someone who can spark my interest in a nonsensical manner... too many humans nowadays seem to always be interesting then they show the TRUE colors of themselves and i'm like LATE!
Various Artists, with the exception of most country, and ghetto rap. I DO like Outkast, Portishead, Dj Dan, Parliament Funk, Janet Jackson and her brother, Marilyn Manson, Weezer, Pulp Fiction Soundtrack, Chili Peppers, Prince and the revolution, Glenn Miller, etc...
Another one of those categories with too many answers, how bout you just ask
adopt your own virtual pet!
i do not watch that damn box of time suckage
Koontz, King, Sedaris, Silverstein, and whoever wrote that thesaurus book, WOW Shakti Gawain (she wrote LIVING IN THE LIGHT....i suggest that EVERYBODY read this...no i'm serious)
my little brother Tim, my big sister Ella