Against the Wal profile picture

Against the Wal

Poop on the Wal

About Me

Against The Wal is a collective of NW Arkansas residents who oppose the many egregious acts of our neighbor Walmart.We believe that Walmart wields its power to the detriment of the world’s economy, people, and the environment. We stand in solidarity with struggles against the Walmarts of this Earth, from coalitions opposing a new Walmart in Inglewood, California to a persecuted union organizer at a Bangladeshi sweatshop making Fruit of the Looms for Walmart’s shelves.We see the connections between workers organizing at a Supercenter in Texas and the death of Main Street and small businesses in the same town. We see Walmarts opening every day, supposedly to the benefit of those communities, yet more and more working people don’t have healthcare and need social services.We each have our own personal reasons for opposing Walmart, from disgruntled previous employees to people who have seen their families livelihood sucked dry by the beast from Bentonville. Rather than rejoice in the so-called wealth that Walmart has brought to our region, we hear the voices that go unheard by local corporate media and Walmart executives. We have been in the food stamp lines and jails of Arkansas. We have slaved for years for minimum wage and no respect. We have watched the beautiful hills of NW Arkansas get paved in favor of concrete and subdivisions while downtown Bentonville, Rogers, and Springdale are abandoned. We have seen our region grow without sustainable infrastructure.We are the seeds of local resistance to the largest corporation ever and we will grow. To H. Lee Scott and all other Walmart bigwigs, we are not going anywhere. To our many supporters, thank you and we’ll see you in the streets!

My Interests

We have exactly eight interests, we call them "demands for change":1. Living Wage Pay all Wal-Mart workers a fair living wage so they can support their families.2. Affordable Health Care Provide all workers comprehensive, affordable health insurance coverage so they can care for their families and no longer be forced to rely on taxpayer-funded public health care.3. End Discrimination Ensure equal opportunity and equal pay for women and people of color in your workforce at all levels through a stringent and independent monitoring process.4. Zero Tolerance on Child Labor Adopt a zero tolerance policy and institute an independent monitoring program to stop the exploitation of child labor in the United States and abroad.5. Respect Communities Work with local communities to effectively address Wal-Mart’s negative impact on issues like traffic, sprawl, the environment, and local businesses.6. Respect the Environment Obey environmental protection laws and ethics so that a minimal enivironmental impact on the natural local ecosystem is obtained while avoiding pollution at all cost.7. Stop Union Busting Stop threatening and blacklisting workers who try to unionize. Fire your union busting informants and stop training managers how to keep workers from exercising their right to form a union.8. Stop Spying on us! Or keep spying on us, it actually makes for great press.

I'd like to meet:

workers, organizers, clowns, terribly attractive people and shareholders looking for change.


Timbre Wolf, Genome Chomsky, Flip-Off Pirates, The Coup, Leftover Crack


Wal-Mart: The High Cost of Low Prices


The Case Against Wal-Mart (Al Norman), The United States of Wal-Mart (John Dicker), Wal-Mart: The High Cost of Low Price (Greg Spotts), How Wal-Mart is Destroying America and the World and What You Can Do About It (Bill Quinn), Selling Women Short: The Landmark Battle for Workers' Rights At Wal-Mart (Liza Featherstone), Sam Walton: Made in America (Sam Walton)