erin profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

MyGen Profile Generator I enjoy singing in languages I don't know how to speak. I write sappy songs with my love, Sam. I like to cook big meals for other people. I laugh often. I have an odd mismatched and striped sock collection. I work full time, and take classes at night. I'm a wanna-be scientist/artist/musician/master chef. I watch movies like it's a requirement for existing. I'm interested in talking about different kinds of art with people I don't know. I would like to quit my job so that I can devote my life to making art, dancing, and being fabulous. I have a wildly vivid imagination.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

His Holiness The Dalai Lama, Olafur Eliason, Pee-wee Herman, Neil Diamond, Dolly Parton, Bridgette Bardot,Catherine Deneuve, Robert Downy Jr, David Bowie, Olivia Newton John, Joan Jett, Tom Jones, Jemaine and Bret... and anyone who can appreciate this list.

My Blog

Mr. Snubers.

Welcome top the worlds of Mr. Snubers.If you want to...check him out.
Posted by on Wed, 07 May 2008 10:46:00 GMT