Um...shit name somthing...
Anyone that can hold up a decent conversation without pissing me off...
Emo-punk.Well lets see...what ever im in the mood for you ya know...
Um well i like those lil action movies filled with chicks running around...somtimes with clothes and ya know somtimes without:).Not to picky about my movies either.
Not a big fan of that little box...
Books by the author of: William S. Burroughs, Jack Kerouac, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Edward Cacey "The Sleep Prophet", Hunter S. Thompson, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Vladimir Nabokov, etc... Other than that, any books on the Beat Generation, Greece and the Spartans, anything related to history and warfare, different religions, cryptozoology, the mysteries of the world; the list goes on.. and on.. and on......
My mommy and daddy for always being there.Defending off monsters and the whole nine yards.Psh anyways...shit i dont know