Alana profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

I'm a quiet, down-to-earth island girl. I'm a proud single mom of my 7mth old daughter whom i live each day for. After working a full week i just like relaxing with my daughter, going for walks, to the park, shopping and just enjoying life. Situations in life may be hard sometimes but how you deal is what makes the difference.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

People who are like minded. Encouraging, supportive and just easy and fun to talk to. Whatever i'm blessed with from there, then so be it.
MySpace Comments at

My Blog

The Gift of 24 Beautiful Hours

"Today you have been given this gift:  twenty-four hours... to spend in the most beautiful and meaningful way possible. Let this day be a reflection of the strength that resides within you. ...
Posted by on Fri, 03 Aug 2007 06:23:00 GMT