make me myspace famous =D
use title or i wont support you =]
put "add adorable andy+" for title
__Click Picture To Add__Reasons TO Add:
He's Gorgeous.
He's Nice.
He'll Whore you.
He will talk to you.
He's awesome!
Not another girl that just sits on her ass and hopes that I'll keep showing the same compassion I've been showing to her, not because I fell in love but because I wanted to really see if she had something on the inside that would take me by surprise and make me fall in love.
I learned love doesn't exist, for me anyways, and I really don't want to waste my time; I've become hateful at times towards the opposite sex because of all the events in my life that I went through. I gave up and it's pathetic, but I rather be alone than searching for someone that I will never find and lose a part of me each time I fail searching.
It's funny how you think you will succeed in a category of life that you were so good at, and then right before your eyes it all starts to crumbles down making you rethink what your life is going to be like; well in my case anyways. I use to be a kid that could make others laugh and would help you out cause I really did care, now I've become someone that cares only at times and during other times I become so hateful toward people I don't even know, I start to become regretful that I didn't just end my life when it was good and now I don't really even give a fuck to even try suicide because I've become so hateful, especially towards myself, that I want myself to suffer for some reason. I want my self to become so fucked up that hopefully one day I will burst out in tears realizing how much I have fucked up by, choosing the wrong friends, the wrong girl friends who never gave a damn, how many hours, days, months I spent by their side because I was the only one out of us that actually really cared; and after I relive these moments in my life in my mind, after nights of hate and regret...I will end it all to the point where I make sure no one even cares or will start to care about my death anymore.
I wish I knew when this event would take place, so I could just prepare myself for that day and the shocked faces that will take place on everyone that ever knew me, faces shocked with happiness, faces shocked with sadness, and faces shocked with confusion about if they could of stopped it. When they shouldn't even care because I would of done it anyways whether they knew or not and I would be happy with the decision I made and I would celebrate in the heavens because I would have finally come out of my depression. But this is only what I want, not what I know; and I know nothing.
Part 1
Part 2
Strip Tease
Haha this VVVVV